To Forum Episode Clubs



For those avid fans of BAD BLOOD. To join: Come to the Old Episodes Board and make a new post entitled "Attn: BBEE" or "Attn: AD Vickster" and in the internal message give 3 reasons why you love this episode, plus a quote. You will be given a BBEE membership number and a trivia question.

(Bad Blood Enthusiasts for Eternity)

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(Fans In Black)

A group for fans of the wildly popular X-Files episode "Jose Chung's 'From Outer Space'". To Join: Come over to the Old Episodes Board and Post "Attn: Starbuck" and tell her three to five reasons why you enjoy this episode.

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A group for fans that enjoy the multiple writing and acting accomplishments of Darin Morgan. To join: Come to the Old Episodes Board and Post "Attn: Fox4242" and in the internal message post your favorite Darin Morgan Episode and a little bit about why you like it.

(Fans Of the Almighty Morgan)

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(Global Liaisons of One Breathe Enthusiasts)

Fans who love to speculate on the plot twists of the X-Files episode "One Breath" To Join: jog on
over to the Old Episodes Board and simply post your favorite line from the episode to the "Attn of FM".

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A group of fans dedicated to the enjoyment of the episode "Memento Mori". To Join: Go to the Old Episodes Board and post a thread "ROOMM Application" and in the internal message list five reasons why you love this episode.

(Raving Obsessors of Memento Mori)

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(Totally Addicted To Eddie...Really??)

Enjoy the frolicking escapades of the Chameleon Casanova, Eddie Van Blundht? Then TATER is the group for you. A group of faithful followers of the episode, "Small Potatoes". To Join: Go to the Old Episodes Board and post a thread "TATER Application" and in the internal message list the reasons why you enjoy this episode.

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