Photo Album
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Here are some images.  There is a sepearte page for Disney Photos above and newer photos (non-Disney) are linked on the left:

Jim & Jonathan, Fall 98Jonathan and Jim Eve & Jonathan, Fall 98Jonathan and Eve
Big Bird & Jonathan, Fall 98Jonathan and Big Bird jim1.jpg (46701 bytes)Practice time!
jim2.jpg (39973 bytes)Jonathan at the Bronx Zoo jim3.jpg (20593 bytes)Jonathan at age three.
jdr00.jpg (61630 bytes)Jonathan's School picture from Spring 2000.  That is a NASA flight suit he is wearing.  He plans to be the first violinist in space. j&e021300.jpg (87542 bytes)Eve and Jim at the ice skating rink.
halloween1.jpg (23914 bytes)Jonathan and his Y2K pumpkin. halloween2.jpg (45461 bytes)Is it Buzz Lightyear or Jazz Lightyear?  Yes, we even make him practice on Halloween.
harvestfest.jpg (64079 bytes)Jonathan at Harvest Fest at school.