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has been updated. Ummm she put up an actual picture of herself. (snikker)

©Starr-Tay-Lore 1999-2000


Armand can be found on the meteor some mornings making breakfast for everyone. His specialty is French Fried Steak on a stick. He can make a mean cuppa coffee laced with tequila. Everyone please watch the stove as Armand let's it catch on fire when he naps. Yes, he naps for about 15 minutes after he cooks breakfast. He also goes  thru a lot of cats? Well if you see him on the meteor ask him..hehehhehe 

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The man with the big shovel. He would truly like to shovel your snow, he can be found on the meteor most mornings. If no one is around and you hide, you will see Snowplower re-arranging the meteor, just for fun! (snikker) Stop in say hello and oh yeah people he charges a fee to shovel! hehehehe

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