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  • OneHellofaParty
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  • The Very Drunk Man

    This is a story that involves a very drunk man. The setting is in a back yard with a couple of other drunk guys (not that drunk unlike our main drunk guy character in the story, and one sober guy). When the drunk guys saw that the very drunk man passed out, they decided to have a little fun.....

    First, it all started when this drunk guy in the grey decided to pour a little bit of beer down very drunk guy's pants.

    Then they got a little bit more creative. "put a towel on his head" one drunk guy said. "yeah, and a beer bottle in his butt!!" another replied. And so they did

    Of course, the madness didn't stop there. One drunk guy discovered a shovel....

    and decided to put it to good use.

    One drunk guy decided to take a picture in the meantime with very drunk guy holding the evidence of the crime just committed to him. Also in the picture. Another crime that he committed himself. He had just wet his own pants!

    When the drunk guys tired, they started stacking up beers hoping to build a pyramid on very drunk guy's back.

    Then one drunk guy shouted "Hey, why not stack a case too!!". So they did.

    One drunk guy felt like he accomplished something great. So he gave the very drunk guy some sort of helmet so he won't hurt himself, and took a picture.

    Then the rest of the other drunks said "hey, I want to get in on this also". So they prepared and struck a pose. It is also believed that a monkey sneaked in when the camera went off. See if you can find him!

    They also said, "hey, why not take another". And so they did. Well, two more actually.

    "This one is for keeps" they shouted.

    After they got bored. They decided to take the very drunk guy home.

    After they put him in the car, one drunk guy decided to go along for the ride. Two drunk guys point out that he does not fit.

    They then dropped off the very drunk guy at a pad. Where a shaving cream and kicking ritual took place but was not documented.

    The End...

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