Om Mani Padme Hung

Pieces of Me

The Mind
The Body
The Soul

The Soul...

Perchance the most enigmatic of all of the pieces. The soul is a piece of the universe that has broken away from itself, desparately looking for a way back.

In an attempt to find my way back, I've explored many spiritual beliefs. Among them the Runes and Tibetan Buddhism.


Algiz - Ehwaz - Laguz - Gebo - Othila - Ansuz - Isa - Raido - Berkana - Jera - Sowelu - Dagaz - Kano - Teiwaz - Eiwaz - Mannaz - Thurisaz - Fehu - Nauthiz - Uruz - Hagalaz - Odin - Wunjo - Inguz - Perth

Algiz: Protection. This is the Rune of protection, victory, new opportunities and challenges. Be strong and take control of your emotions. Problems should not be ignored. Inverted: Be aware of your health. Do not assume someone else's problems.


Ehwaz: Movement. Changes! It can even be moving your home to another country. Your decisions tend to be right. Inverted: Stop! Go slow and think about your change. Maybe it is better to stay where you are.


Laguz: Flow. You tend to follow your instincts but you forget the negative consequences. This is the true Rune of the supernatural power inside your mind that will give you protection. Inverted: Consult your heart. Cherish your instincts.


Gebo: Partnership. It is union, partnership of some sort but you must keep your individuality and self-confidence. For this is the Rune of freedom.


Othila: Separation. Radical break-up ahead but you will reach your dreams: your role in society, material goods and your beliefs. To find out how your really are, you may need to put away some of your claims. Inverted: Think twice!


Ansuz: Signals. Be ready for the unexpected. Changes! Ansuz urges you to explore your depths as well as to practice your sensibility and power of observation.


Isa: Standstill. All your plans will stay frozen and suspended although you do not realize that. Do not overwork. Try to find out what keeps you attached to your situation and throw away what is old. Resignation might mean wisdom. WARNING: Do not count on your friend's help.


Raido: Journey. This is the moment to act. Find out what your heart wishes. Resistance will be gone. Raido is union and reunion. The end of conflicts. Inverted: Be rational instead of instinctive.


Berkana: Growth. Fertility. The birth of a person or a new idea. Take your steps carefully. Inverted: Aspects of your character might be blocking your progress. Pay attention to the needs of the people around you. This is how you will find your way.


Jera: Harvest. It invites you to optimism, but nothing comes fast since each happening has its own cycle. Keep your trust and perseverance.


Sowelu: Wholeness. It is a victory and success. To some, however, it can be a trip into the inner world in search of balance. It is time to admit something long denied.


Dagaz: Breakthrough. A big turnover in your live. Might be a new love, new work, new opportunites or a new life attitude. Dagaz claims the darkness is gone and the sun will light your way.


Kano: Opening. This is the Rune of fire. It means the end of darkness in your life. Your passion and sensuality may be a sign of a coming marriage. Inverted: A love or friendship will die; so be ready for a moment of change.


Teiwaz: Warrior. Victory at any competition. If the question is love, you and your partner have a lot to work out together. Inverted: Teiwaz warns you: hurry and perfection does not match.


Eiwaz: Wholeness. Things will turn out fine, no matter how difficult they are. The obstacles are instruments to test your patience. Hold your anxiety.


Mannaz: The Self. The start up: the need to improve your "self", to help your relationship with the world. Keep you modesty. Your path will be found. Inverted: Look at yourself: who are your real enemies? Your challenge is to forget old habits.


Thurisaz: Gateway. The door is its symbol. Observe every moment, every detail. Think it all over and get free from your ghosts. Then cross the borders. Inverted: Consider your past before making decisions in the future.


Fehu: Possessions. Great luck: wealth, goals and love come true. This is a conquest and not a present. Share your luck. Inverted: You may lose all you have conquered so far. Learn the stones lesson: beware of people around you.


Nauthiz: Constraint. Your dark sides block you and make your weak. Investigate what makes you so attractive to bad luck. Inverted: It is necessary to reach the edge in order to emerge into a new life. Hold your anger, keep your faith and sense of humor.


Uruz: Strength. The Rune of terminations and new beginnings. You have outgrown the life you have been living. You may lose someone or something. Inverted: Do not waste any opportunities. No drawing back.


Hagalaz: Disruption. Wish for change and freedom. But for that it is necessary to put the material reality aside. Look at your inner world. If things seem to be out of control, a break up might be a good idea. Self growth cycle.


Odin: Unknowable. The plain Rune is destiny. It guides your karma, the whole of all your previous existence. You obstacles are the passport to a new start. Cheer up! This Rune links you to your real fate. Good luck!


Wunjo : Joy. Fights are gone. Comprehension has become wisdom and a deep lasting affection is about to come. Joy at work. Joy brings new energy. Inverted: Things are slow in coming to fruition. Consideration and deliberation are called for.


Inguz: Fertility. Old relationships and habits are just that - old. You are ready for a new start, even for a new child. The meantime could be dangerous, but keep thinking positive.


Perth: Initiation. Mysterious powers are taking place but tend to bve revealed. It is a perfect time for reflection and material gains. Inverted: Do not expect anything. Your character is being tested. Think positive and keep your sense of humor.


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