
Welcome to the website of MsDacia pronounced "day-sha"
personal website created for fun

Never thought writing about myself of something like that would be so hard. Kept getting thoughts like, who is going to read this, and why would anyone want to read this, or am I sharing too much about myself...

...does it matter? I mean, it is not like I am advertising this website, and telling folks to come check it out. It is really just something to do, or keeping up with a skill that I learned in college (website creation using HTML). I am just typing at random what is going on through my head. Technically, I should be working, but I have done everything, so...

Now to be honest with myself, I would describe myself as "Settled" You can take that so many ways, but I don't feel like going into all the details on that. Click on some of my links below to find out more about me and other things that overflow my life.