Name of Persona: Gariant
Age of Persona: 19
Residence: Ridge Crest Weyr
Pet Kind:brown firelizard
Pet Name:Blade
Craft: Harper
Rank: Jr.Journeyman
Description of Persona: Gariant is tall, about 6'2". He has black hair and blue eyes and is considered handsome by most. He's kind of skinny. He's very smart. He's very friendly and quite a flirt. He loves music, but he always made a better spy than a musician for Harper Hall. He's great with handling knifes.
Brief History of Persona: Gariant is the eldest son of a master weaver, Aisling, and a master harper, also named Gariant. He is the 3rd-oldest of six children. He has two older sisters(Aileen and Karena), a younger brother(Liam), a younger sister(Gwena), and a younger half-sister(Mara). His parents moved around a lot, so he's lived all over Pern. When he was twelve, he was apprenticed to Harper Hall, following in his father's footsteps. For his sixteenth birthingday, he was given a flit egg, which hatched brown Blade. At 18, he was promoted to Journeyman and moved back to where parents were living at the moment, a southern hold named Emerald Meadow. A few months after his arrival back home, his youngest sister Mara moved to Ridge Crest Weyr. Mara had always been Gariant's favorite sister and he was sorry to see her leave. A few months after that(shortly after his 19th birthingday), he(and the rest of his family) learned that Mara was only his half-sister, Mara's father being a bronzerider his mother had met once during a mating flight. The news upset Gariant and he won't talk to his mother. Only a few sevendays after that, Gariant was Searched and moved to Ridge Crest Weyr.
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