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Rachel's Recipes

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Rachel's Recipes

    Riftwitch loves to eat. Some people have even theorized that since gaining her
powers, she has a rift permanently opened up inside her stomach, so she can 
shovel it in without gaining an ounce. That's just speculation, but the truth is that
she has acquired a lot of recipes over the years, and would like to share some of
her favorites with you. She'd also like to hear from you, so email her with your 
favorite recipes.

Peanut Butter Pie

1/2 cup  peanut butter              1/2 cup margarine              1 cup sugar

Cream together the above 3 ingredients. Add 1 raw egg. Beat for 5 minutes.
Add a second raw egg. Beat for another 5 minutes. Add 1 teaspoon of vanilla.
Beat again. Pour mixture into a baked pie shell. Refrigerate overnight. Put 
whipped cream on top, sprinkle peanuts on top of whipped cream.

Amish Friendship Bread

Wild Yeast Starter

Pour 2 cups of milk (either whole or enriched skim, I used 2 %) into a crock, glass
or plastic container (no metal). Cover with a square of double cheese cloth, and 
place in a warm protected spot. Leave there for 24 hours. Stir in 2 cups of flour,
beating until smooth. Replace the cheese cloth and set back into protected spot. If
the weather is warm the starter will begin working within one day or overnight, but
if temperatures are cool, the action may take 3-4 days. When it begins to bubble,
allow it to "work" about two days. Stir once each day with a rubber spatula or 
wooden spoon. When the sponge is thick, bubbly, and has a fresh sour aroma, 
place a lid over the cheese cloth, label the container, and refrigerate. Do not make
the lid too tight because air accumulates in the container as the starter ferments, 
and it needs a way to escape. This starter may be used in any recipe requiring a
sourdough starter.

To Replenish Starter:

Each time the starter is used, add 1 cup warm milk and 1 cup flour. Beat with a 
wire whisk until smooth, cover with the cheese cloth and leave overnight in a
warm protected spot. The next morning, stir the sponge with a rubber spatula or
wooden spoon and replace in the refrigerator. If this process is followed each 
time the starter is used, there will be no danger of losing it.

To Make Amish Friendship Bread Starter:

Take 1 cup of "Wild Yeast Starter" and add 1 cup warm milk, 1 cup sugar, and 1
cup flour. Beat with a wire whisk until smooth. Pour mixture into a ziplock bag.
From this point, follow directions for Amish Friendship Bread.

Amish Friendship Bread:

Do not use a metal bowl or utensils for mixing this batter. Do not refrigerate
starter. If air accumulates in the bag, let it out. It is normal for the batter to thicken, 
bubble, and ferment.

Day 1........Squeeze the bag.
Day 2........Squeeze the bag.
Day 3........Squeeze the bag.
Day 4........Squeeze the bag.
Day 5........Squeeze the bag.
Day 6........Add 1 cup sugar, 1 cup flour, and 1 cup milk to the batter in the bag.
                  Squeeze the bag to mix the ingredients.
Day 7........Squeeze the bag.
Day 8........Squeeze the bag.
Day 9........Squeeze the bag.
Day 10......Pour the batter into a large nonmetal mixing bowl. Add 1 cup sugar, 
1 cup flour, and 1 cup milk to the batter. Mix with a wooden spoon or spatula.
Pour 4 1 cup starters into ziplock bags. Keep one starter for yourself and give the
other 3 starters to your friends with the directions.

To the remaining batter in the bowl, (1 1/2 cups) add the following ingredients:
1 cup oil                       1 cup sugar                     2 cups flour
1 large box of instant vanilla pudding mix          3 eggs
1/2 cup milk                1/2 tsp. baking powder    1/2 tsp. salt
1/2 tsp. baking soda       2 tsp. cinnamon               1 tsp. vanilla
1 cup chopped pecans (optional)              
1 cup raisins (optional)   

Mix well. Pour batter into 2 large, well greased and sugared loaf pans. (Mix some
sugar and cinnamon together, and sprinkle in the greased pans and on top of the
batter before baking.) Bake for one hour in a 325 degree oven. Cool in pans for
15 minutes before removing and placing on cooling racks. A Bundt pan or tube
pan may be used instead of two loaf pans.