Personal Bio:
Name: Shannon Clarke
Date of Birth: November 25, 1991
Place of Birth: Pensacola, FL
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 154 lbs.
Personal Information:
Born to Robert and Ingrid Moore, Shannon grew up in the town of Titusville, Florida. While in high school, she befriended a little boy in the neighborhood -- Joshua Carpenter. She graduated Valedictorian of her school and went on to college at Florida State. Throughout this time, she stayed in close contact with Joshua and they developed a very close friendship.

After college, she joined the Air Force and eventually became one of the growing number of female, African-American space shuttle pilots. After several dozen missions, she retired back to her hometown of Titusville, where she was reunited with an old high school friend, whom she married a few years later.

At age 33, she was elected mayor of Titusville and just before her 37th birthday, she was elected President of the United States. She is currently serving the first year of her term of office and is doing an outstanding job of handling all of the stress caused by First Contact with the Vaxxons and the Xurians.

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