Part 10 - Bite the Bullit
Welcome to the colony my ass...
I wish I could have gotten a better pic of fighting Bullit.  I really do.  However... well... he kind of folded like a forty year old lawnchair before I could get to the printscreen button.  Maybe when I come back... maybe.

Well, suffice to say I stopped by to visit all my old friends in Old Camp... but... well... as you may recall, the Digging One didn't leave any alive.  Getting a little depressed at all the empty huts and pickaxes lying around unclaimed I moved on to fight Mr Troll.

Oh... but first, of course, I ran into Diego... who wasn't too impressed with my choice of pets.
He followed me home... can I keep him? Pleeeeeeeeease Mr Diego?
IYou know, it's a good thing Diego is immortal ... because when I ran a quick circle away from the Snapper and it attacked him... it looked rather painful.  As for the Snappers presence when I got to Diego in the first place? You ever try fighting a pack of snappers with digger pants and a pickaxe?
Part 11 - Orechipper vs the Troll... a Long Awaited Fight!
Lunch. Lunch is good.