Cranium Cocktails for the thirsty mind and the Cosmic Vodu begins...

    If, as the physicists say, the dark adapted eye can detect a single photon, then perhaps, the dark adapted ear can sense much more-

    The Quantum Abduction of reality, altering perception beyond matter and particles to the science of energy and vibration, a whole new system of religion and philosophy already known to the Sufi ancients as Nada Brahma, Sound-God.

    To lose oneself in this Universal Song and the spontaneity of what Heisenberg called his Uncertainty Principle is to seek Masti, the ecstatic states.    Begin the Millenial Incantation for the expansion of consciousness, a Circus of Sound where the Ringmaster is You...

Produced by Brian Kendall Moore forEcstatic States Records

To get a copy of the NEW CD and begin your SONIC EXCURSION to eVA pLANETIA and BEYOND click-




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