
Learn about us...

Your properly asking yourself, "Who the hell Jettara? What does she want with us?" Well all I want is for you to learn a little bit about me. I'm really quit harmless (Yeah, right!) Anyways just click on my name our one of my characters to learn more about me and some of the characters you might see in my stories.

As you my have noticed all the Beast War characters are gone. Well with Zaanai moving on in life they decided to stay with her, but you can find the lot of them at The Pit. Don't forget to tell her who sent you!!!

But for you loyal Sweep fans click here to see your farvourite Sweeps .

Some of my other characters' profiles:


Here are some of profiles from Femmes Unite!

Alita One The great female Autobot leader!

All these characters are the property of Cillacon Graphics and/or Femmes Unite, 1997-98. All rights resevered.

© 1997

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