Magical Ranking:

Here is the current ranking to be found within the Camelot Mage Guild, starting from lowest to the highest. It is assumed that each level of classification will have the abilities of all lower levels (i.e. a Magi will have all the abilities of a Master, Magician and Apprentice). Please remember that these are taken from the time frame concerning Camelot at or around 1000 A.D.

Apprentice (AP) - someone who is just beginning their training or who has an awakening gift. Normally only able to use the Lesser Magic forms of the Art. Abilities for this level are usually minor but there are occasions when a gift will be totally uncontrolled making it very dangerous. In most of these cases if it is deemed too dangerous the individual will be destroyed.

Hedge Mage (HM) - also includes Witches and Warlocks. Someone who has a gift but has received no training and uses their powers by instinct. Normally only able to use the lesser forms of magic though on RARE occasions will be able to perform a single higher form of magic. NOTE: most accredited Mage Schools and Academies to not recognize training received from a Coven as actually training in the Art.

Magician (Journeyman) (MJ) - someone who has completed their apprenticeship testing given by a Master or Adept but who must still learn the higher form of magic as well as building endurance. Normally will be able to use the lesser as well as part of the Higher Magic forms of the Art.

Master (MS) - also known as Enchanter or Enchantress, is someone who has completed their Journeyman testing in both the lesser and higher forms of magic and has reached such a level of strength that their teacher sends them away to pursue their careers on their own (i.e. to gain experience). Also, a Master will have the ability to draw Ambient Energy from the area about them into their spells as well as themselves. (NOTE: This separates them from the Magician class of casters). After a period of at least 10 years, a Master can teach both Apprentices as well as Magicians. Normally will be able to use all forms of the lesser and higher forms of magic. (Please see Energy Gathering for further details)

Magi (MI) - Also known as a Wizard, Sorcerer or Sorceress is someone who has, through study and experience, achieved the strength to draw magical energy from other sources as well as objects. A Magi also has the ability to CREATE new spells and will spend long years in their laboratories doing so. (NOTE: This is one of the key factors that separates a Magi from a Master). Also will have the ability to manipulate energy as well as energy patterns. A Magi will be able to tap into the magical Nodes, Leylines and Magical Pools of energy and use that energy rather than their own for the working of spells. A Magi also has the ability to recharge magical items such as rods, wands, staffs, rings etc.... (Please see Energy Manipulation for further details)

Adept (AD) - also known as Savant, is someone who has the ability to create magical constructs and spell which will live past the creators death. (NOTE: This is what separates an Adept from a Magi). An Adept is usually one who spends a great deal of time in research and study. They will hardly, if ever take an apprentice. Also, an Adept has the ability to create and endow magical qualities to objects such as swords, rings, staffs and so forth.

ArchAdept (AA) - also known as ArchMage, is someone who is at the top of their field, acknowledged by their peers as such. An ArchAdept will have the ability to tap directly into the magical Weave, which surrounds the world. NOTE: The last item is what separates an ArchAdept from an Adept. Also a member of the Art at this level will have spent a great deal of time (no less than 10 years), building as well as running a Mage Academy or School of some sort.