The Dungeon Labyrinth

"The Northern Passage"

Exhaling sharply, you attempt to squeeze your way into the crack. The thought now occurs to you that if you get stuck, you can't shout for help knowing that the assassin would be the first to arrive and find you helplessly wedged and would then cheerfully disembowel you from gullet to groin. With that happy mental picture as impetus, you twist and lunge and break free into the northeren passageway. The passageway is short, approximately 20 feet long ending in a small chamber. There in the center of the chamber is a rock jutting up and protruding from it is a sword!

You walk closer to the rock holding your candle in front of you. You see that the silvery glow is emanating from the sword which seems to have been plunged half way into the living stone. Could this be the famed Excalibur that Merlin had by magick and sorcery placed in the rock to be a test for true nobility? You wish now you had read your Thomas Mallory a little closer.

DO YOU....

Attempt to pull the sword from the stone and go back after the rogue assassin with the mighty Excalibur?


Knowing that time is very quickly running out, go back to the East/West passage run for the westeren passage and the front gate of Ghostkeep, hoping your fleetness of foot would be sufficent to arrive their soon enough to raise the alarm of the assassins sneak attack?

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