Warship: smallest of the Dominion attack vessels. Basic armaments. 0.002 the size of a Confrontcruiser.
Warcruiser: 2nd smallest of the Dominion attack vessels. Used mainly for covert operations. Equipped with Standard armaments. 0.010 the size of a Confrontcruiser.
Battleship: Dominion assult vessels. Used in direct attacks of starbases and other types of technology bigger than standard starship. 0.100 the size of a Confrontcruiser.
Battlecruiser: Dominion massive assult vessels. Used to deploy huge amounts of smaller ships during a battle or confrontation. 0.333 the size of a Confrontcruiser.
Confrontship: Second biggest battle weapon. Dominion defensive vessels. Used to transport starbases and defense along borders. 0.500 the size of a Confrontcruiser.
Confrontcruiser: Largest battle weapon. Used to transport stars, starbases, and other massive volumes. Last line of vessel defense. Usually stationed near planets of importance and territories in dispute.
Other classes:
Ambassador Class
Karemma Merchant Class
Ketracel White Transport Class