Contacts to Non-Fae

Just as Firnost is a diverse and varied freehold, so too is it's hometown of Necropolis, MO. Also based in Necropolis are multiple supernatural societies and havens beyond the scope of the Dreaming's Own. A few of their homepages are listed below, while the chats are all on White Wolf's Chat System. Later versions of this page will have Banality ranges listed.
Club DarQness: A Sabbat vampire club, known to dislike intruders. Sabbat only, please. Banaliy runs rampant through these disillusioned soul-destroyers. Tread with care.
Fallen Angels Club: A Camarilla vampire area, also dislike intruders. Camarilla only. Perhaps moreso than the Sabbat club, Banality is a serious danger to those who dawdle for longer than business requires.
The Infinity Chantry: The local Mage hang-out, a place of power with shaky ties to the freehold.
Lake Smithville Woods: The local woods, with the local caern. Visitors be cautious, only bête allowed further than the bawn, and non-Kinfolk should expect to be tossed out or worse.
Ratkin of Necropolis: Underground sewer-dwellers, the Ratkin are Gaia's trash-collectors weeding the weak, and their page offers insight to these somewhat reclusive bête. Includes the Sewers FAQ.
Shadows Bar: The all-kinds meeting grounds of Necropolis, less fae-oriented due to high Banality. Visitors welcome, however.

Of Interest: The Necropolis Chronicles give further information about the city of Necropolis in general (mostly the vampire portion of the city), and the 'Camarilla of Necropolis' page offers a map of Necropolis. It lacks the freehold, caern, and chantry locations, but faithfully shows nearly all other chats and points of interest in our fine city.

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