"What appears to only be an abandoned, run down warehouse to
the untrained mortal's eyes is to Fae eyes a lovely bed and breakfast,
almost New England in style and charm."
Firnost Freehold, located in Kansas City, MO is one of the few commoner mews to hold such power, honor and distinction. In a time when nobles have been consolidating power, Firnost has remained detached from the struggles. Answering only distantly to the Duchess in control of the territory of Necropolis, Firnost keeps itself afloat with little to no outside support, electing its own government and policing itself.
Many and varied are the resources of Firnost. Here, we boast an elected Parliament who regularly votes to determine our standing laws and rules. The freehold itself is as varied as its patrons, boasting both an impressive history as well as a lovely manner of decor that serves to please all manner of guest, from permanent visitor to traveling musician. A description of the freehold is therefore presented for perusal (open to additions, mind you). And though you will find trods to other freeholds below, Necropolis boasts an impressive array of supernatural residents, each with tenuous ties to the freehold proper. Such Prodigal connections are necessary to keep Firnost a functioning member of the rather unique Necropolitan culture.
EXTRA! EXTRA! Firnost gets own newspaper! Read all about it!
Trods to Other Freeholds
Boggans of Firnost: Political and social issues for boggans, including drink recipes.
Desolation Freehold: A dark sluagh freehold, situated in tunnels under Oakhold, Pacifica.
The Duchy of Midway: One of the great meeting places of the trods in Concordia.
Everwyrd Hall: A series of chats for a freehold based in New York City.
Fate's Tapestry: OOC site of original character portraits.
Firnost Freehold: Official White Wolf chat room, the reason this page exists.
Firnost Mailing List: The official mailing list for IC Firnost concerns.
Moonlit Trod: A chat as well as an extensive collection of pages devoted to Changeling.
New Agengard: A chat for a noble holding based in Maryland.
Rowan-Oak: A county in the Kingdom of Willows with numerous chat areas and information pages.
Sanity Halls: The business offices of the kinain accountant Sane Anomalous.
Thistle Glade: A garden freehold for relaxation, including a playground for childings.
The Verdant Tower: A freehold existing completely in the Dreaming held by Baron Gawain.
Water's Edge: A chat for a noble holding in the Florida Keys.
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