Item 7: Protectors of Firnost

The following is a proposal for a new protectorate system, as proposed by Faled El'Ahib, Eshu Representative. He feels this system is better than that of the current "fend for yourself" mentality that the current government has; it seems uncaring.


A) Protectors must be fae, of sound mind and body.

B) Protectors must be citizens of Firnost.

C) Protectors may not hold office in other freeholds.

D) Protectors must be approved by the government of Firnost.

E) There shall be one Protector per major kith, to be selected by his/her representative.

F) Protectors must prove themselves worthy of the position through a simple test of fighting prowess and an interview in which they must demonstrate full knowledge of the special guidelines by which they must abide.


A) To represent the government in an official capacity:
- act as emissary to other freeholds;
- interact with the patrons of Firnost in political matters;
- provide preliminary rulings in mediations, until such time that the Parliament decides otherwise.

B) To protect the freehold:
- by informing newly arrived patrons of rules;
- by warning patrons of transgressions;
- by taking measures to prevent serious transgressors from frequenting Firnost;
- by using force as a last resort, using chimerical weapons and cantrips.


A) Protectors can carry chimerical weapons in the freehold, to protect the freehold from attack by using force when no other option exist.

B) A protector's decree is considered official until reversal by Parliament (see Restriction C). This includes banishments and punishments for transgressions.


A) Protectors report directly to Parliament, and they are under its direct influence. If ordered, a protector must yield to the will of the government.

B) If a protector deems it necessary in a situation to use force, or threaten force by drawing a weapon, a report must be made to the governing body, explaining the action and the reasoning behind it.

C) Any rulings made by protectors are subject to reversal from the government.

D) A protector is to avoid using violence during the course of his/her duty; should violence occur, a protector must endeavor to immobilize, rather than kill, a threat. Only in the most extreme cases should a protector purposefully cause chimerical death.

E) A protector is subject to the laws governing mortal weapons. The use of cold iron is grounds for immediate dismissal and banishment.

F) Repeated occurances of unneccessary force can result in a protector being stripped of his/her title, suffering punishment as determined by the Parliament, or banishment from Firnost.

G) Protectors must operate in Firnost's best interest. A protector must be able to put aside personal feelings if they conflict with those of the government.

Protector Guidelines

Protectors would proceed with these steps in order. They would only proceed to the next step if necessary.

1) Start by informing the offender of the rules of the freehold. State that they are an official of the government.
2) Verbally reprimand the offender; let him know what the consequences of his repeated offense are.
3) Ask the offender to leave the freehold to cool off. (NOT a banishment)


4) Draw weapon. ONLY do this if the offender has weapons drawn / attacking.
5) Make final warning.
6) Attack to immobilise / capture offender.


1. Draw weapon; state that you are an official.
2. Attack to immobilise.
3. If all else fails, attack to kill chimerically.

The primary objective of a protector is to protect the freehold. Remove innocents from danger at all times; should they require assitance, request it from others.

Their duties may require them to sacrifice themselves for their freehold. Such is their duty; those not willing to accept this duty should not accept the title of Protector.

As Proposed October 2, 1999
Faled El'Ahib
Eshu Representative

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