Welcome to the page completely dedicated to the exposure of the eery happenings in the little town of Clinton. Updates coming soon, with brand new chronicles!

Here are some Chronicles, just click and read!

Welcome to Clinton
The Clock
Don't Run Me Down Man!
The Radar
Nightmare on Joseph Street
Pool Sharks
Choo! Choo!
The Mutineers of Clinton
Spooner's Lane

Done these Chronicles? New ones soon, I promise!
Wait in anticipation or visit the critically acclaimed

Stinky Couch Webpage

Brought to you by the creators of the Clinton Chronicles and home of many hillarious stories, great pictures and amusement all due to the Stinky Couch itself! Visit today!

This site has been blessed by the presence of hearty Clinton fans.

Webpage monitored by Bonnie

your approval or tell me if any chronicles really frighten you.- I care!
Mind you, sometimes the truth is scary.

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