This is the gen/het page. Gen is not the same as het, but, considering the overwhelming amount of slash I have compared to gen *or* het, it seemed silly to break gen and het into two different sections. So here you go. I'm going to just call this all het because my head hurts, and I can't figure out where to draw the line for gen-vs.-het, especially since there are actually quite a few canon m/f releationships in here. If it's NC-17, it says so.


The Basement -- Spike shows up at Buffy's house and takes up residence in... the basement. In my opinion, short, fluffy, G-rated stuff.

Queen of the Highway -- Someone is running from Sunnydale. Again, I think it's G-rated. A bit on the angsty side.

Three Days Each Month -- Actually, this one is about Oz and Willow. It's that time of the month. Short fluff. Another G-rated thing.

Willow by Night -- Spike realizes he has certain feelings for Willow (but I'm willing to bet it's not what you think). Set, oh, let's say four years from now. G-PG.

A Bad Hair Day -- Oz has hair problems. Written while Doyle was still around. G.

Four Days -- Xander went on a journey over the summer between S3 and S4, but it's not what you expected. C/X. PG, I think.

Richie -- Oz is back. Willow has a surprise waiting for him. Pretty danged silly/fluffy. I'm a bit embarrassed to admit I wrote this.

Aloha Friday -- Hard R/NC-17ish. Cordelia has issues with Xander's clothes. Set in an imaginary season 4 in which season 3 didn't happen the way it did.


Unnamed C/X series (name suggestions, anyone?). Unless otherwise indicated, all G-PG.
A Return -- Cordelia returns to Sunnydale and discovers that things are not always as they appear. Set about ten years in the future. C/X
Getting to Know You -- Cordelia gets to know Xander a bit better. Sequel to "A Return."
The Big Day -- Well, what do you *think* it's about? Sequel (*gasp* *faint* *Meagan*, do a *sequel*?) to "A Return" and "Getting to Know You."
The Final Veil Before Joy -- The night after "The Big Day." PG-13 or *very* light R, so don't expect smut.
Float -- Xander just wants Cordelia to be happy.
There's Someone I'd Like You to Meet... -- Oz gets email from Xander.
The Lump -- Cordelia thinks she is fat.
Rub -- A C/X rewrite of my X/O fic "Feet."


They go together...

A Little Night Music (the first story I ever wrote) -- Buffy and Willow are out, their car breaks down, and Willow sees someone. Pretty short. Yet more G-rated material.
Snack Run (the sequel to "A Little Night Music") -- Spike and Willow go shopping. And yet again, rated G or *maybe* PG.


Another pair...

Music for the Heartbroken -- Cordelia reconsiders pushing Xander out of her life. G-PG.
Say It Out Loud -- Cordelia and Xander talk. Sequel to "Music for the Heartbroken." Again, G-PG.


The Nowhere series (A bit of X/C, a dash of C/A, but mostly X/OFC, PG-13 at the most) can be found here.

