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I'm sorry I didn't get your permission, Chris-sama! Forgive me! *sobs*
My own memories and feelings towards Chris Davies are long and rambling. Suffice to say, if I was the type to idolize people, I would idolize Chris Davies. This man is the reason I'm such a raging Sailor Moon fan... even moreso than Jetwolf. I love his writing. And it's my hope that I can one day write half as well as he can. Dude... just go read.

Whoo doggie! Lookit 'er go!
Lycentia has some of the coolest web stuff I've seen in a good long while. She's good, man. Real good.

Haven's Heart
The home of Marie J.W.'s fanfiction. Tell her I sent you and 10% off your next cookie!

Mmmm... Pie....
Because anybody that makes me a banner gets put up here. *grin* (Although... she took it down. I should've saved it... *sigh*)

So cool...
Pange's got a crapload of the coolest stuff. And it's all in this wonderful shade of blue, too.

I bet... Nah, I won't say it.
Thomas is the first person to ever link to my site. And to think it took me this long to link back. *grin*

Xenosaga wins my coveted "Best Freakin' Use of Androids EVER." Award.
Because everybody needs their own life-sized KOS-MOS doll, that's why.

Get 'em, Bun-Bun!
Because everybody needs a homicidal rabbit in their life, that's why.

It's so... so... red!
Chibi! Chibi, Chibi! I got my buttons from her... but her site is so... red. Like a blood clot.

Speaking of Blood Clots...
Laughing... too hard... Can't... type... must read...

Whoo! Washu!
It's people like Hinode that make finding website backgrounds that much easier.