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SIRIEL 3.5 - Adventures, Arcades and Mazes

Animation from SIRIEL 3.5

Siriel 3.5 v.:1.08 (last updated: 15. 6. 1999) ( 100 kb - DOS ) - This is engine for the game SIRIEL.  It works on 486 and higher. Autodetection of SB, realtime playing sounds. English and Slovak language mutation. Resolution: 640x480x256. Memory: 3,5 Mb XMS, 350 kb conv.
Editor (last updated: 15. 6. 1999) ( 56 kb - DOS ) You can create your own levels and if you want to create your own datadisk, mail me.

DATADISKS for Siriel - if you want to play Siriel, you'll need one of these files, after downloading, unpack it and copy *.DAT files into the directory with Siriel 3.5 engine. Than run Siriel by SI35.EXE.
The first mission ( 778 kb - SIREL 3.5 v.:1.05 or higher - full version ) - 12 arcade levels, 4 soundtracks
Cauldron ( 1,66 Mb - SIREL 3.5 v.:1.05 or higher - full version ) - 12 levels, 2 soundtracks, 5 3d animations, mazes included
Golden ball ( 2,38 Mb - SIRIEL 3.5 v.: 1.06 or higher - full version ) - Adventure, 5 - different stages, 6 - 3D animations. The best datadisk !!!!!!
NEWSmall Way ( 157 kb - SIRIEL 3.5 v.: 1.08 or higher - under construction - last updated 5. 6. 1999 ) - Preview of preparing datadisk - 1 level, new sounds, monsters, etc...
EXAMPLES of stages - start EDITOR.EXE to edit to create your own stage.
1.MIE ( 0.3 kb - SIREL 3.5 v.:1.05 or higher ) - examples of stages
2.MIE ( 2.29 kb - SIREL 3.5 v.:1.06 or higher ) - examples of stages
