Title: 155 Words:Forbidden Fruit - Firm
Author: JourneyToX
Archive: 155 Words Archive
Summary: Someone gets the munchies during a stakeout... :)
Disclaimer: Chris Carter owns them. I just feed them nutritious and delicious snacks.
There's one more story in the series. :-)

Feedback would be plum dandy.

155 Words: Forbidden Fruit - Firm
by JourneyToX
April 5, 1999

Third in the Forbidden Fruit series, following "Ripe" and "Sweet"


A long-ago summer afternoon,  tree bark scratching as you climbed, then a sweet
bite in the cool shade while wasps grew drunk on fallen, fermented fruit......

Skinner snapped his attention back to the stake-out as  Mulder munched lazily.
Skinner's stomach growled. 

"Hungry?" Mulder asked.

Skinner grabbed the offered paper bag.

"You could've had half my pastrami," Mulder said.

"I'm trying to watch my intake of salted meat," Skinner said, withdrawing a firm, red plum.
"But it makes the fruit that much sweeter," Mulder said.

By the light of the electronic surveillance equipment, Mulder watched as Skinner deliberately
turned the fruit so its seductive cleft, like a lover's buttocks, met his lips before he opened
his mouth and took a big bite.

Skinner watched Mulder watching him.

"Do you miss Scully?" Skinner asked.

"Yes," Mulder sighed.

"She ought to be in Hawaii by now," Skinner said, licking juice away


"Ever been to Hawaii Mulder?"


The End.

XF 'Ho No. 405, Xeminar 99, X2K, SEEPS, BYFP, Smutaholic
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"Did I look adorable?"  Mitch Pileggi, Season 4 Gag Reels. :-)