
Science Fiction Page


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Babylers Babble

Hello SF fan, I'm back. Geocities inadvertently deleted my entire website and it took 6 weeks to get my old URL back. As a result I lost the Babylon 5 quiz. I am trying to get it back but I'm not sure if I will be able to. 

I've finally opened my Canadian Science Fiction website. It is packed with  Canadian authors, actors, filmmakers, magazines and anything else Canadian in the SF world. Welcome to Babylers SF Page.

If you like something different, check out my Lexx site. Lexx  is a leading edge Canadian/German production. It is Science Fiction at its weirdest. If you haven't yet seen this show, do yourself a favor and watch it. 

I am constantly adding or changing this site so visit often and please leave me some suggestions in my mail box.

Thanks for stopping by. Come back soon,



Recommended Reading

*** Excellent
**** Exceptional
***** The very best in the Genre

Book or Series

Author Babylers Rating
Enders Game  Orson Scott Card *****
The Terminal Experiment Robert J. Sawyer ****
Dune  Frank Herbert ***
Foundation Trilogy  Isaac Asimov ***
Hyperion Saga  Dan Simmons ***
The Miles Vorkosigan Series   Lois McMaster Bujold ***
The Chanur Saga  C. J. Cherryh. ***
Cyteen C. J. Cherryh. ****
The Stars My Destination Alfred Bester *****

Recommended Authors (and some links to their sites)


Science Fiction Links


Web Sites of my fellow posters at the TNT Discussion Boards

The Anla-shok Interweb Link. A Babylon 5 site that focuses on the "Rangers" with images, sound clips and more.
Babylon 5, Our last best hope. Mostly Babylon 5 stuff.
Battles of Babylon 5. Excellent site, lots and lots of B5 stuff.
Maddogs page of ultimate horror. A plethora of links including numerous B5 links [some other interesting stuff too(wink, wink, nudge, nudge)]
Pookha's Place. Science Fiction, Science fact and more!
Lord of Sporks
Green Cow Productions. A comedic online newsletter.
Thoths Domain. Links, polotics, etc.
Blind Man
Useless Ideas for Babylon 5. A B5 humor site.
Nick and Peters Homepage. Some B5 stuff, some MIDI files and more.


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