The Law Dogs - Deeds & Improvements

You'd think just enforcing the law would be enough. But nah - you've got to own property and collect taxes to be able to enforce the law the way it needs to be done. So sometimes we got to take time out and administer hotels, but a down payment in for a saloon, whatever. Let's take a look at some of the stuff the Dogs got to invest in.

Quick-Find Index

Courthouse Cost 10 / Control 2 / Upkeep 2 / Rare (Uncommon in Pinebox, Fixed in Shootout)

Judge Henry Warwick: Now you're stepping into my domain. With a strike of my hammer I can free you or put you away. The choice is yours, my friend...

Hunter's Notes: Essential to a Law Dog deck. It's pretty much immune to takeover. Once you've got the Jail out, you can collect two Victory Points: one for putting that high-Influence dude in Jail, and one for Acing them. Use the Icehouse to pick up a third point, and you're pretty much assured of a win if you can keep making your opponents' Dudes Wanted. The main problem is that it's really expensive, and requires the Jail for best advantage...and that's another Upkeep-1. Ouch.
Posse Parente

Dave Leri
Jail Cost 6 / Upkeep 1 / Rare (Uncommon in Pinebox)

William Olson: Ole Henry might run the Courthouse, but I'm the king over here. Now, I'm a fair man. On the other hand, I gotta figure that if you're in here, there's a reason for it. Until Judge Warwick sends down the word, here you're going to say. This ain't the Golden Mare, so don't except the accommodations to be so...accommodatin', if you get my drift. And I think you do.

Hunter's Notes: This'll generate you some decent income if you have a habit of shooting up Wanted Dudes. For the Law Dogs, it's also a nice set up for the Courthouse. The main problem is that captured Dudes can be broken out, so if you don't have the Courthouse out, they may come back for a return visit. Of course, then you can put them in the Jail again... Also, watch out because the "bounty" is neither a controller or owner action. Anyone who Aces a Wanted Dude can put them in the Jail instead. This won't happen if you get the Courthouse out, because even though they put them in the Jail, you'll get the Victory Point for Acing them via the Courthouse. However, if you don't have the Courthouse out, you could have some trouble with, say, the Collegium/New Front picking up some cash from your property. And of course, if you're not careful, some of your Dudes might end up in Jail as well. The law don't have no favorites.

Tombstone Dispatch Branch Office Cost 1 / Upkeep 1 / Common (Uncommon in Pinebox)

Redbrook: Mr. O'Malley, you don't want to know about the things that I've seen while enforcing the white man's law. You need only look at the Indian known as Tioga Joe to know the results of such an encounter. Perhaps he can give you the interview you seek. But I wouldn't count on it.

Hunter's Notes: Gives you an extra point of Influence and let's you generate some extra income from what you'll be doing anyway: making Dudes Wanted. The Upkeep can get a bit pricey, particularly if you're working on the Jail and the Courthouse (and the various Upkeep 1+ Dudes belonging to the Law Dogs), but worth it if you can keep the stream of Wanted Dudes going.
Delfino Falciani

Charles Daugherty
Icehouse Cost 5 / Rare

Nash Bilton: I told those idiots to put Coleman's body on ice. But no...they wouldn't listen. I guess MacNeil and his boys will have to pay the price for that little mistake.

Hunter's Notes: Everyone's heard about the Icehouse combo, right? Ace the Dude (either right out, or using the Courthouse), send them to the Icehouse, and since card memory holds, they get Aced again when you send the next Dude to the Icehouse. Kind of a time-consuming combo, but it also means you're getting three Victory Points for each Wanted Dude that the Law Dogs Ace, if you've got them in Jail: a VP to send them to Jail, a VP to Ace them for the Courthouse, and a VP to Ace them out of the Icehouse. Works for me.

The Clock Tower Cost 1 / Rare (Uncommon in Pinebox)

Xiong "Wendy" Cheng: Every little bit helps. There's been any number of occasions when a man's blinked due to the tolling bell, and I've pistol whipped him and sent him over to the Judge before he knew what hit him. Some townsfolk claim they can set their watch by my actions, but in truth, it's the other way around.

Hunter's Notes: As noted, Wendy Cheng can really use the Clock Tower, as it will let her get the drop on an opponent regardless of who the Winner was that round. This can be valuable in, say, avoiding a Shotgun blast weeding out low-Value Law Dogs like Flatbush, Casparo, Redbroo, and Olson.
Steve Ellis

Steve Ellisr
Red Hill Hotel Cost 10 / Production 3 / Control 2 / Common (Uncommon in Pinebox)

Charlie Flatbush: I'm on very friendly terms with the owners over there. In fact, I've been campaigning to see if they'll play host to an idea of mine: a Lawman's Convention. Imagine it: lawman from around the country coming to our fair city of Gomorra to exchange ideas about how to enforce the law and the future of law enforcement.

Hunter's Notes: Considering the relatively high Upkeep of some Law Dog Dudes (Templeton, Warwick, Bilton, Coleman, and the experienced Hunter and Wendy), the Red Hill can prove useful in not only giving you a decent per turn income, but yielding more Ghost Rock by saving you an Upkeep payment. Kinda pricey to get out in the first place, but once you get it out, it's well worth the cost.

Stagecoach Office Cost 5 / Control 1 / Rare

Deputy Dave Montreal: I find that the Stagecoach Office is a good place to hang out at when things are otherwise kinda slow in Gomorra. You never know who's goin' to be gettin' off the stage, and what they might be wanted for. A little pre-emptive law enforcement never hurt.

Hunter's Notes: I always put duplicates of the Jail and Courthouse in my deck, and probably would use extras of Hangin' Judge Gabriel (if I had Hell's Fury and were going to go that route) as well. As such, having a Stagecoach Office to get rid of the extras can prove useful. There are often other cards to ditch as well. If you're up against the Blackjacks, they're probably going to have to make themselves Wanted just to keep up on income, so you can axe those Warrants as well. If nothing else, it gives you a Control Point.
Lee Moyer

Mike Kimble
Weaponsmith Cost 5 / Production 1 / Control 1 / Rare (also in Pinebox)

Deputy Milo Powell: I often take Johnny over for a little tune-up. A little spit 'n shine and Johnny's ready to smite the wicked. Ain't that right, Johnny?

Hunter's Notes: If you're going to go heavy on the weaponry (and if you're using Hunter's Office, of course you are!), the Weaponsmith can give you a nice boost here. You can use it as many times as you've got Weapons, plus it gives you a point of Production and Control. A pretty good deal, overall. If nothing else, it'll turn that Pearl-Handled Revolver into a +1 Stud.

Gypsy's Tent Cost 5 / Control 1 / Production 1 / RoS Rare

Charlie Flatbush: We of the Sheriff's Office deeply regret the loss of the Fortune Teller's Shop and Mr. and Mrs. Cazanas. Rest assured that as long as Gomorra's gypsy community remain within the confines of the law, we shall devote our considerable resources to keeping the rest of you safe.

Hunter's Notes: Well, who can't use an extra card? Still, thought I'd include it here because it ties in with some of my fiction. If you're going for more combat cards at your disposal, use the Gypsy's Tent. Mix well with Eureka and have fun.

(What's Charlie talking about, anyway? Well you might ask. Check out "Turn of the Cards" for the answer)
Anthony Grabski

William O'Connor
Shootin' Range Cost 5 / Production 1 / Control 1 / RoS Common

Lukas Owens: Our initial testing has proven remarkably successful, Sheriff Hunter. Mr. Cheng muttered something about "targets don't shoot back," but otherwise seemed satisfied with the performance of the Mark Vs. I believe he was heading out of town to find some live targets for the final tests.

Hunter's Notes: Ummm, it's the Weaponsmith Mk. 2. Visit both places, and apply a total of a +2 bonus to your gun. Since you're probably already playing with Law Dog Stud-types anywhere, you should be seriously rocking. Take Nate Hunter (the original) there with his Pearl-Handled Weapon (go to the Weaponsmith first, since you boot there), and two turns later you'll have an unbooted Stud-7 on your hands. Or heck, grab some Bolt-Action Rifles and really have fun.

Complaint Office Improvement / Cost 1 / RoS Rare

William O'Connor: So you'd like to register a complaint about the service in my little establishment here, would you? Well, Mr. Rat over there will be glad to take down any comments you might be willing to make.

Hunter's Notes: Tired of paying that upkeep for the Jail and the Courthouse? Sure you are. Discount 'em with this Improvement and spend that Ghost Rock on something else.
Tony Moseley

Eric Ren
Runnin' Water Improvement / Cost 3 / RoS Common

Judge Henry Warwick: Many the time I've been required to conduct the business of the Law while doing my...other business as well. It's practically my second courtroom, you might say. And I'm an old man, but don't consider that a reflection on the state of my digestion. Rather, it's a testimony to the degree of lawlessness in Gomorra.

Hunter's Notes: Boot to issue a Warrant and then have Warwick head out right away to lead the Job that's going to put them away. Obviously, don't put it on a Deed that has some kind of bootable property: the Jail should work just fine for you.

Second Story Cost 3 / +1 Control Point / RoS Rare

Judge Henry Warwick: Damn that infernal racket! The only one banging a hammer in this Courthouse should be me!

Hunter's Notes: A good overall booster anyway, but if you're using the Courthouse, even better because of the limited movement to it by anyone else.
Thomas Gianni