For close to three hundred years, Starfleet has protected the Federation, promoted the law, and served to advance science.

Since the establishment of Starfleet in the 2160's, the officers of the line have always adhered to strict guidelines. Not only do they have to follow orders, and live by such documents as the Prime Directive and the General Orders, but Starfleet officers must also conduct themselves as reasonable human beings. It is this virtue that has enabled Starfleet to reach the level of achievement it has to day, and it is this same quality that will enable them to do so in the future.

This section is dedicated to information about Starfleet's General Order's, the Prime Directive, and other technical data about Starfleet, the Federation, the SSD and protocol in general.

Starfleet Uniforms Starfleet Communicators Forms of Address
Starfleet General Orders Prime Directive Starfleet Intelligence Benefits

Security Clearance and Misc.

Official SSD Emblem SSD Service Emblem

Federation Data