Our Gallery!

This page was last updated on: 14 September 1998

Here you will find pictures of our families, our friends, places we've been, other pictures we took that we thought were cool, and of course, pictures of us. There were lots of additions today. Unfortunately, they're not marked, so you'll have to find them. Maybe next time I'll mark them for ya. Enjoy!




Frank in a suit ~ I took this while we were still in Biloxi. You can't see it, but he was actually barefoot.

Before ~ Here's us before the wedding.

During ~ Here's us during the ceremony. You know, the part where Jimmy Buffett was playing? That's the time of the picture!

After ~ And us after the wedding. Do we look any different? I didn't think so either.

Cutting the Cake ~ After some coaching from Debbie, we finally were able to cut it.

Me in a tizzy ~ Don caught this on film, the little stinker. I had just been told that Frank was changing, after I told him not to so that Don could get some pictures of us with me in the dress I had originally been planning to wear. He didn't listen.

The Newlyweds ~ Shortly after he changed, I forgave him.

Frank signs away ~ Frank was very intent on getting it right.

Heather signs too ~ Notice the look on his face. He looks happier than when he was signing it. Hmmmm, I wonder if that means anything...

Frank & Mocha ~ Mocha actually stood still for a second to let me take this on the "honeymoon camping trip".

Heather & Mocha ~ This is me on that same camping trip. My first one, actually.

Santa ~ Can anyone guess who that is?




Frank & Mocha ~This was taken when Mocha was just a pup. A good picture of both of them.

Mocha ~ This is closer to what he looks like now. Quite a difference, isn't it.

Frank & Mom ~ Frank and my mom, before the wedding.

Frank & Sean Michael ~ Frank was helping Sean get dressed, and Don took this one. Awwwww!

Frank, Jeremy & Sean Michael ~ This was taken before the wedding, when they were basically waiting for me.

Me at the same time ~ As the guys were enjoying the sunshine, I was being poked and prodded into the wedding dress, and halo.

Frank & Mom ~ Frank and his mom after the ceremony.

Me & family ~ Me and my family, except my little sister, who wasn't able to come.

Frank & Family ~ Frank and his family.

Tami ~ My older sister.

The Moms ~ This picture is worth a thousand words! And they really do get along!

Mom & Don ~ My mom, and step-dad, Don.

Matt ~ My step-brother.

Jenny ~ My step-sister. Both are Don's children.

Stephen ~ Our nephew, Stephen.

Joshua ~ Another nephew.

Sean Michael ~ And still another nephew.

Josh & Sean Michael ~ Alright, this is an old one, and they'll pobably kill me for putting it on here, but I think it's so cute, I had to put it here. Sorry, guys! But that's what an aunt is for!

Frank & Shannon ~ Frank and his sister, Shannon. This was actually taken the same weekend that I asked him out the first time. He went to New Orleans with his mom, his sister, and Jan, since they were in town for his graduation from forecaster school. I was at home being bored.

On Bourbon St. ~ Frank, Shannon, and Urs under the Bourbon St. sign when they went down there.

Honorary Cajuns! ~ Frank and Shannon played with a cajun band called The Recycled Cajuns, and were made honorary cajuns.

At the game ~ Frank, Shannon, Urs, and Jan all went to a Saint's game and had a blast. Where was I? Left all by myself in Biloxi...




Jeremy & Mocha ~ And it's always nice when the roommate, and the dog get along...

Ellen & Jeremy ~ This is my best friend, Ellen, and Jeremy, Frank's roommate, in the wedding as the maid of honor, and best man.

Jeremy, and the girls ~ Jeremy, Kaitlyn, and Alaina got along beautifully. He finally found someone he could relate to.

The Boys! ~ This is Frank and two of his buddies from back home, Richard in the middle, and Chad on the right.

Richard ~ Richard, and his son, Mathias.

Amber ~ Amber, and Nathaniel, Richard's wife, and other son.

Mat & Madie ~ This is Mathias, and Madison. Mathias is Richard & Amber's son, and Madison is Ryan & Crystal's daughter. Aren't they cute together?

Ryan & Crystal ~ Taken before they had kids, or were even married.

The Gang ~ This is a small portion of the people that Frank knows at home.

Frank & Jeremy ~ The guys went on a camping trip up on Mt Rainier, and all I got was this picture...

Frank & Randy ~ On that same trip...

Frank, Eddie, Rat ~ Frank, and two of his buddies for the ship. Eddie, on the right, and Ratcliff, on the left.

Tim & Sammy ~ Here's one of Tim, and the "psycho" dog, Sammy.




St. Louis Cathedral ~ I'm sure everyone has seen this, or a version of this picture before, but I took this when Frank and I went to New Orleans for Halloween.

Table Rock ~ For all those familiar with Medford, you'll recognize this. For everyone else, this is one of the two Table rocks. (I don't know if it's upper or lower, so if anyone does, please let me know.)

Deception Pass Bridge ~ This is the bridge that goes from the mainland to Whidbey Island.

Hiroshima ~ Frank took this when he visited the Peace Park. It's the burnt out remains of a building that survived the bomb.

Couch Rock ~ A rock, that looks like a couch, where Frank and his friends used to hang out and party. Pretty cool looking, actually.

Giant Buddha ~ If you look, you can see Frank in the lower right corner, but you gotta squint...

Hong Kong ~ A skyline picture taken by Frank on one of his visits there.

A Monastery ~ A Japanese monastery that Frank got a picture of.




Horses ~ Frank got this when we were in New Orleans for Halloween. You decide who's the bigger horses behind...

Tornado ~ Neither one of us took this picture, but I love it so much, I had to put it on here!

Silhouette ~ Frank took this one at the luau that we went to. It's a fisherman throwing a net, silhouetted by the setting sun.

Hawaiian Sunset ~ Taken shortly after the silhouette. Now I remember what's so great about Hawaii!

The Jeep ~ The boys, Stephen, Josh, and Sean went out and did this while we were busy inside after the wedding.

Olympic Mountains ~ A nice view of the range from the Deception Pass Park.

Mt. Baker ~ As seen from the Bridge.

Snowman ~ Or as Frank puts it "the deadliest snowman you'll ever see", since it's actually a phalanx on the ship. At least they got into the spirit. Or tried.

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