Little Blue Planet

LEXX UNCON2001 page 1

(If anybody recognises anyone, send me a mail please!)

Iceland I flew from Sweden to Canada with Icelandair. I highly recommend it, the stewardesses were very nice... and beautiful too. I changed flights at Reykjavik airport on Iceland. This is a shot of the majestic Icelandic landscape... gotta go back sometime!
The airplane The airplane was named Sóldis, which (probably) means "Sun godess" in ancient norse, and she could be a Valkyre (have to check up on my mythological knowledge I think). Since Iceland has been virtually isolated from influences icelandic is as close you can come to the language of the vikings.
No smoking I like this. This is the non-smoking sign from the airplane. You can actually be sentenced to five(!) years of prison if you smoke on the airplane. The sign is repeated in Icelandic if you want to try and read it...
Shallah and Parasite I arrived on wednesday evening and Shallah picked up me and Parasite at the airport and gave us a lift into town. Thank you Shallah!
at The Economy Shoe Shop The moment we arrived at the O'Brien dorm Zith and Mort came running telling us that Michael was at the Shoe, and tried to drag us along. (They of course meant Michael McManus and the pub called The Economy Shoe Shop where the people making Lexx usually go for a drink and a bite to eat.) I told them we had to unpack and would join them later. When we got to the Shoe Michael had left but we met some other nice lexxians instead. Counterclockwise around the table, starting from the left, are Mort (in the blue shirt), Zith, Kali, Stardancer and Vigdis.
Cliffs On thursday I went on a sightseeing trip with Zith and Mort to Peggy's Cove. Except for the famous lighthouse, there was a lot of rocks...
Sexy legs? ...and seagulls...
DEATH!!! ...and malicious waves just waiting to drag unexpecting tourists to their watery grave.
Mermaids? Zith and Mort got so inspired by the sea that they tried to imitate the famous danish mermaid "Havsfrun".
Relaxing Personally, I took the chance to get a nap and really get in touch with the stone in me... (The stone is your friend!)
There's no going back now...

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Go on... let's see what happened next!


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