The Links Page ™

A.K.A. "The Re-Incarnated Lynx"

The Story Of The Lynx Page -

On my last homepage, I said: "Let there be links." And they were made.... and it was good. On the second day I said: "Put them on a page.... so everyone can see.... and click on them.... and be happy." And it was made so.... and it was good. And then on the third day I said: "Let this page be called 'The lynx Page'.... and be spread forth across the internet community.... and multiply.... and be fertile.". It was made so, and all was good. Then, on the Fourth day........ I took a nap. The folowing is what was salvaged, from that page, destroyed in a name change, long long ago. It has been fixed.... and additions have been made for your full surfing pleasure.

Disclaimer/Weirdness Excuse - These links may seem a little wierd, but this page is more for me, so my favorite places list isn't cluttered up, but I'd thought I'd share them with you.

Cool Links:

Plymouth State College - My College i will be at next year. It's p in new hampshire in the cold... pray for me!

S. L. R. H. S. - This is S. L. district's home page.

Free Translation - Need somthin' translated... fast? go here!

Silver Lake Speech & Debate - SL's Speech & Debate site, first created by yours truely.

The Silver Lake High School Marching Band Homepage - Hey, just because we dont have a marching band doesn't mean we can't have a homepage...

Drum Corps International - Wanna be in the drum corps? Go here!

Cave Canem 4-H Dog Club - A cool club that club that one of my friends belongs to.

The Cat Country, 98.1 - My radio station that plays country 24/7, and the National Anthem every morning!

MIX 98.5 - Boston's Best Mix - The other radio station I listen to. It wakes me up in the mornings, and thats not easy to do.

Irish Folk Songs - Ooo Ahh up the RA, say Ooo Ahh up the RA! ( That was for you Jerry!)

Dress Your Leprechaun - Fun for St. Patty's day, or anyday

Annotations of Men AuthersHeres some interesting links i found while looking for Mr. e e cummings' work.

e. e. cummings - Wow... he's a genius once you decipher him... once you decipher him...

Whats In A Name? - Type in your name here and it tells you all about yourself!

The Human Genome Project - Pretty intersting stuff here.

The Personality Code, - About Enneagrams and the Nine different personality types. What are you?

Hyper Cubes Homepage - " I want to show theses people how to go twice the speed of light.... but first I need a piece of paper! "

What is the fourth Dimension? - Time or Space... Time or Space... Time or AHH! forget it!

What is Chaos? - Hmm... An interesting question... and an interesting site too... check it out.

Interactive Mathmatics Online - Wow... I never thought I'd be putting this up here, but it makes things surprisingly easy!

Welcome to Altoids - Ahh... I can almost taste them!

A Random Link - Just go here!

Louie Louie - Ever wonder what exactly those words are that he'singing?? go here for some possible lyrics to the song...

The Hampster Dance - Uh... Pretty self explanitory...

Emily's Page. - Just a cool Page out there on the net.....

National Resource Center for Cephalopods and The Cephalopod International Advisory Council - Hey.... I was bored.

You kicked my dog! - Just go its really funny...

Fun with grapes - This is a site you should go to if you ever get bored.

Strawberry-Poptart blow-torches - This is a site you should go to if you get bored, and your a pyro.

The Fan Forums - This is a cool bullatin board page, they even have some Katie Holmes stuff! :)

Kryceck's Home Page - Wow!! My first web page, back from the dead...

Absurd Pattents - Weird ideas happen all the time, so its not just me

cool weather Pictures - Awesome nature vistas

waether PicturesMore weather vistas

mini - Short, funny clips.

Belife quiz I'm Uninitarian!! What are you???

all posters .com - Cool poster for anything you could want.

Dead - huh?

the friend test!This is a cool idea.

Tibetan Healing - Aaahuuuhmm....

Japanise Art - Another cool Asian page.

History Section X - A weird site, still havent figured out quite what it is, but its still really cool.

Astrology Quizes - Would you like to take a survey?

BMI Counter - How healthy are you?

Dream Houses - Here are the blueprints to that dream house of yours.

Mini USA - A cool car site. Check it out. Thanks Tiff

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