My Theater Page!

Hey Fellow Thespians!

I had been accumulating a bunch of theater links, and I kinda just decided to put them all on one page so you could check 'em out. Hope you enjoy them. I plan on putting links to all the shows I have seen, and links to other cool theater related sites here so come back soon!

Into the Woods - A cool site about the play Into The Woods, that we did my freshmen year.

H.M.S. Pinnafore - " So stick close to your desks... and never go to sea... and you all may be rulers of the Queens Navy.

H.M.S. Pinnafore - Another page about her majasties ship.

The Massachusetts High School's Boston Globe Drama Festival - Our school has been doing this for the past two years. It's really awesome, check it out.

Drama Resources - This is a great list of other drama web sites.

Theater Terms - Ever wonder where the term break a leg comes from? How about the term green room? This is a listing of commonly used theater terms and sayings.

Plymoth Sate College - This is where my sister goes to college, they have an exellent theater program, however I probably won't be going there, cuz it's too COLD!!

The Reagle Players - One of my friends worked with these guys and put on Evita, and Anything Goes. I saw Anything Goes and it was awsome! Check out thier picture pages of the shows.

Chicago - The Musical - Its just a noisy hall where there's a nightly brawl.

Annie Get Your Gun - There's No Buisness Like Show Buisness... Aww... awesome awesome show! We saw this in New York and i loved it! Crystal Bernard was awsome, they should make a cd of her!! ( Not to mention shes cute as hell! )

Blue Man Group - This is a one of a kind show! If you can see it I recomend you do! It was really funny, and wonderful.

Stomp - The Origonal Percussion Show, before Tap Dawgz and all that other stuff, there was stomp. A really awesome show, go sheck them out.

Romeo & Juliet - A site about those two star crossed lovers, Romeo and Juliet.

Romeo And Juliet - The script to the book/movie.

Playbill Online - No!! Its Playbill Online. Hehe Go Here and check it out.

Movie Mistakes - This page has a listing of mistakes in movies that you may have not noticed the first time around. Look up your favorite movie.

Clue - This is one of the best movies.

The Blair Witch Project - Go here. ( just don't tick off the witch baby... )

Cruel Intentions - Go here for the script to the ever so cool movie, Cruel Intentions.

Spartan Spirit - From SNL, this is one of the best skits!

The Spartan Cheerleaders - U...G...L...Y... you ain't got no aliby, you ugly..., yeah yeah, you ugly!

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