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Big Numbers

_Kay_ couldn't decide whether to stay or go and joined in 98 times during this reporting period.
darkbeholder really wanted others to know what was doing - 104 descriptions alltogether.
 [13:50] * @darkbeholder is away. Reason: busy 15(10Left at14 13:50:4115) (10Dark Script 14Version 1.215)
The evil guard was Angelina_ who got this reputation after kicking out 3 persons.
 [06:46] <+Suggary> hi
[06:47] *** Suggary was kicked by Angelina_ (:))
Loudest one was Angelina_ with yell percentage of 19%!
_Kay_ gave most ops - actually 5 of them!
_ChoChang_ had many things uncertain - 23% of lines contained a question.

..and silver medal goes to Jenny_J - with question ratio of 23%.

_ChoChang_ had sticky Shift button - wrote 7 lines in CAPS!
 [07:58] <+_ChoChang_> wow THANKS KARA lol
lightbeholder wrote longest lines - average of 58 letters per line.

Average line length on #hogwartsusa was 24 letters.

List of persons with most nicknames (Still haven't found the best one, Kt_Bell..)
Kt_Bell40 NicksKt_Bell(78%), Kt_Bell|not_happy(11%), Kt_Bell|confused(3.5%), Kt_Bell|brb(3.5%), Kt_Bell[bath](2.9%), Kt_Bell|not_happy|sad(0.6%), Kt_Bell_(0.6%), Kt_Bell|drying-hair(0.0%), Kt_Bell|taming-hair_brb(0.0%), Kt_Bell|hair_taming(0.0%), Kt_Bell|looking_for_jodie_boot(0.0%), Kt_Bell|seeks_for_jodie_boots(0.0%), Kt_Bell|seeks_for_joddy_boots(0.0%), K4t13_311(0.0%), K4t13_B311(0.0%), Kt_Bell|new-band-aid...
MudBlud16 NicksMudBlud(91%), MudBlud[sleepyboy](5.0%), MudBlud[Sleepin](2.5%), MudBlud[sleep](0.8%), MudBlud[Away](0.8%), MudBlud1(0.0%), MudBlud[S1eep](0.0%), MudBlud[Workies](0.0%), MudBlud[Shower](0.0%), MudBlud[UT](0.0%), MudBlud[a](0.0%), MudBlud[sleepin(0.0%), MudBlud[reallysleeping](0.0%), MudBlud[work](0.0%), MudBlud[bebackin2days](0.0%), MudBlud[sleepytime](0.0%)
Angelina_12 NicksAngelina_(92%), Angel-reading(7.1%), Angelina_Riddle(0.7%), angel_away(0.0%), Angelina_Away(0.0%), angel-lunch(0.0%), AnGeLnOtHeRe(0.0%), Angel-Shower(0.0%), angel-AwAy(0.0%), AnGeLiNaAwAy(0.0%), AnGeLiNaBrB(0.0%), AnGeL-aLiAs(0.0%)
_Kay_9 Nicks_Kay_(97%), _Kay_NotHere(1.4%), _Kay_Gone(1.1%), _KaylaKins_(0.7%), _Kay_Movie(0.0%), _Kay_AFK(0.0%), _Kay_Watching_BB3(0.0%), _Kay_NotReallyHere(0.0%), _Kay_Reading(0.0%)
Kara_Luna7 NicksKara_Luna(96%), Kary[saddened|bbl](4.0%), Kary[bbs](0.0%), Kary[away](0.0%), Kary{away}(0.0%), Kara[brb](0.0%), Kara[Bbs](0.0%)

Activity distribution

5/2002 - 8/2002

Lines per day Number of days
1 (2.4%)
1 (2.4%)
2 (4.9%)
1 (2.4%)
1 (2.4%)
0 (0%)
4 (9.8%)
4 (9.8%)
27 (66%)
0 (0%)

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mIRCStats v1.19 © Mikko "Ave" Auvinen