Useless Ideas 71-80

Useless Idea #71: Jinxo's Success

For years, now, Jinxo has been carrying on the quest for the Holy Grail. He's travelled to countless worlds, always without success.
Then he gets a tip. A solid, incontravertible lead that takes him to a barren world, where he finds the Grail in an underground chamber. It shimmers before him, and he weeps openly.
"I've done it!" he cries. "Here on Z'ha'dum the quest finally ends!"
He grabs the Grail and heads back to the surface. As he heads to his ship, he begins to laugh.
"They all thought I was cursed! *I* thought I was cursed! Hah! I've proven them all wrong!"
Then he notices the ships streaming away from the planet, hears the alarms going off. "Hey, what's going on? Where's everybody going?"
He realizes it's some kind of evacuation. THEN he remembers that he'd forgotten to put change in the meter, and finds that his ship has been towed away!


UI #72: Garibaldi's Conversion

After Garibaldi's capture by the Shadows, he's taken to Bester, who plans to reprogram him and use him against Sheridan.
"I'll do this myself," Bester tells another Psi-Cop.
"But sir," the Psi-Cop says. "Are you sure you'll be able to convert him?"
Bester nods. "Everyone's foolish and gullible at the core, easily molded. It's just a question of getting past his defenses."
Bester focuses his thoughts, projects himself into Garibaldi's mind. He finds himself in a technicolor wonderland of deserts and mountains and trees. He looks at his body (or Garibaldi's interpretation of it), sees that he has gray fur; he can feel rabbit ears atop his head.
He starts to walk, and is immediately confronted by a tiny little cowboy with a huge red mustache.
"Yosemite Sam?"
"That's right!" the cowboy says. "I'm the fastest gun north, south, east aaaaand west of the Pecos! I'm the--"
"You must represent Garibaldi's aggressiveness."
"You're intruding here, you lily-livered varmint!" Yosemite Sam says. "Draw!"
Sam whips out a pair of pistols. Bester concentrates, forming two carrots out of thin air. He stuffs the carrots into the ends of the pistols. The pistols explode when Sam pulls the triggers, and the cowboy keels over in a blackened heap.
Bester moves on.
Soon a giant rooster approaches him.
"I say!" the rooster says. "You have, I say, you have no right to be here, son! Permission, that is!"
"Foghorn Leghorn," Bester says. "You must be Garibaldi's talkativeness."
Bester conjures up a mallet, whacks Foghorn over the head. He walks away from the unconscious rooster.
Soon Bester comes upon the figure of Pepe Le Pew, trapped inside a cage.
"Ah," Bester says. "Garibaldi's romantic side." He taps the bars, laughs. "Haven't been gettin' much lately, have you, Mike?"
He continues on, finds Wyle E. Coyote readying an Acme Rocket Launcher to fire at him.
"Garibaldi's intelligence, I see." Bester snaps his fingers, and a huge boulder crushes the coyote. A little sign pops out from under the rock: "ouch."
The next one he runs into is a little black duck.
"Hold it right there," Daffy says. "We can't just have anyone coming in here! Who said you could--"
"And you're obviously Garibaldi's temper," Bester says. "I really haven't got the time to--"
"Time?" Daffy bursts. "Who said anything about--"
"What's going on, here?" a new voice says.
Bester looks over to see Elmer Fudd approaching, rifle in hand.
"At last, Garibaldi's foolish core," Bester says.
"You aren't being veeeewwwy, veeeewwwy quiet," Fudd says.
"Well," Bester says, pointing at Daffy. "He's your problem, right there. Finish him off, and things'll quiet down. And it *is* duck season, you know."
"Liar!" Daffy jumps up and down, points at Bester. "It's rabbit season!"
"Duck season."
"Rabbit season!"
"Duck season."
"Rabbit season."
"Duck season!" Daffy shouts. "Fire!"
Elmer shoots Daffy, and as the duck topples to the ground, Bester grins. "Now that the last obstacle's out of the way, your mind belongs to me, Garibaldi..."

UI #73: A Little "Borrowing"

A shuttle arrives at the station from Earth, and the criminal Deuce is there to greet one of the passengers.
"Mr. Berman," he says, shaking the man's hand.
"Quiet!" Berman hisses. "No one's supposed to know I'm here."
"Of course, of course." Deuce leads Berman to another shuttle, and flies it down to Epsilon Three. They land outside an isolated complex.
"This is it," Deuce says, as they walk into the complex. He gestures around them. "The repository of all the disused elements of Babylon 5. It should be a snap for you to put together another spin-off for Paramount by 'borrowing' some of this (wink, wink). What's that make--four, five spin-offs, now?"
"None of your concern," Berman says. "Just show me what you've got."
"Of course." Deuce leads Berman into one of the rooms, points to the item in the center. "Fake Vorlon suit. Had that one built myself."
"Interesting..." Berman says, studying it.
"And this." Deuce holds up a tiny crystal. "Taken from the mind of Talia Winters, herself. And this!" Deuce holds up a handful of colorful rings.
"What do they do?"
"They're Minbari rings. This one," Deuce holds one up, "increases gravity. What these others do is beyond me. They never got used, so you can make up whatever you want about them!"
"Perfect!" Berman cheers. "Okay. Now I need some characters. Have you got any of those?"
"Are you kidding?" Deuce leads him into another room with glass tubes along the walls. He runs down the line, points to each of them.
"Okay, here you've got Dr. Kyle; he'll cover your medical needs. Need a first officer? Here's Laurel Takashima. And Marcus here could come in handy. And NO ship is any use without a telepath--so here's Talia Winters!"
"Great!" Berman points to something on a shelf. "What's that?"
Deuce takes down a vial filled with ash, shakes it. "Lt. Keffer. Hotshot pilot."
"Cool. We can use the bio-filters on the transporter to bring him back to life. But now I need some ships."
"Not a problem," Deuce grins. He heads down a corridor, stops outside a huge hangar door. He pushes a button and the door slides up. Inside the hangar are various vessels.
"Check it out," Deuce says. "Shadow vessels, Vorlon ships, that shark-thing that Lorien flew...take your pick!"
Berman grins. "This. Is. PERFECT!"
"Glad you like it. Now we just need to discuss the price..."
"Hold it right there!" a new voice shouts.
Berman and Deuce turn around and see a man standing in the corridor. Deuce gasps. "JMS!"
"Back off, Berman!" JMS says. "You're not gettin' anything from me this time!"
"Ha! Just try and stop me!" Berman scoffs.
JMS takes a battle stance, and pulls out a small cylinder. He clicks a button on it and *SHING!* the Minbari battle staff is ready for action.
Berman backs up a step and whips out a Klingon bat'leth. "I've endured you long enough. Get ready to die!"
"Bring it on baby!" JMS says, moving in. "This time, you're going down for good...!"
Deuce back away as the fighters advance. "Damn, I wish I'd had a chance to sell tickets to this..."


UI #74: The Hunt

The body of a great Minbari general has been brought to Babylon 5. But something goes wrong--the body disappears from its coffin!
As a station-wide search ensues, Vir retires to his quarters and searches through ancient texts. When he finds the proper spell he begins to chant, and after a while a figure shimmers into existence before him--a bouncy blonde human girl.
"What's going on?" she says, looking around. She sees Vir. "And what is up with your hair?"
"Buffy Summers, great! I did it!" Vir hurries to her. "This might be a little disorienting, but I've pulled you several centuries forward in time.
"Riiight." Buffy looks around. "Okay, I'll play along."
"It's not a game. A Minbari general has disappeared from his grave; I think he might be a vampire!"
"Did you say mini-bar?" Buffy frowns.
"No. *Minbari*. An alien species. Trust me, you're needed. Only a Slayer can handle this."
"How do you know about me?"
"I'm a Watcher."
"Really." Buffy frowns. "Okay, then...if this is the future, why bring me here? Don't you have your own Slayer?"
"We do, but she's a bit on the lazy side; thinks she has too much ground to cover. And since you were the best in history, and since I didn't have time to consult with the leaders on the Watcher homeworld, I went ahead and pulled you here. Now come on, we have to get going."
"You're worse than Giles," Buffy mutters as they leave the room.
They hurry through the station's corridors, looking for clues. Buffy gawks at all the aliens, and eventually asks, "So, it's the future. What happens to me in the past? Do I die?"
"Actually, you disappear, and Kendra takes over. Obviously you came *here* when you disapeared. Isn't destiny fun?"
"Peachy. What about my friends? Willow, Xander, Giles...?"
"Well, Xander and Cordelia eventually wound up shooting each other. Willow married Oz and had children; some of their descendants are actually living down on Epsilon Three--the brothers Zathras. And Giles...The Watcher Giles was abducted by Vorlons, but they found him too odd even for them, and banished him to an isolated world; that became the Watcher homeworld."
"Oh. Well, that's...Look out!" Buffy pushes Vir out of the way as a Drazi approaches them. She whips out a stake and plunges in into his heart, killing him.
"You've got some freaky-lookin' vampires nowadays! And they don't even turn to dust!"
"That's because it ISN'T A VAMPIRE!" Vir takes her arm and hurries her away.
They find nothing in their search, and eventually Vir learns through his contacts that the Minbari general has been found cremated.
"Good way to deal with a vampire," Buffy says, and they head back to Vir's quarters. "So, what now? I'm stuck here in the future..."
"Yes, since the spell was irreversible. But there are still vampires to hunt...I'll consult with the Watcher homeworld, but you'll probably be based here. We'll provide you with a ship to help in your missions, of course."
"Cool." Buffy cocks her head. "Could you also get me whatever hair-spray you use? That look's really starting to grow on me..."

UI #75: The New Narn Telepath

G'kar manages to convince Lyta, in the early days of the station, to conceive a child with him. The child is born telepathic and raised on the Narn homeworld. The boy grows at a rapidly accelerated rate, and soon the adult Narn returns to his father on Babylon 5. G'kar greets his son--who's dressed in a green sweater--and then takes him to the Zocalo to introduce him to Na'toth.
"Na'Toth," G'kar says, as they sit in a restaurant, "this is my son, F'landers."
"Hi-diddly-ho, neighbor!" F'landers wiggles his fingers at Na'Toth.
"A pleasure to meet you," Na'Toth says.
"F'landers will be staying here," G'kar smiles. He turns to his son. "What duties did you say you'd been assigned by the Council?"
F'landers shrugs. "Oh, whatever you need my for, Daddly-doo. Of course, both you and Na'Toth will have to submit to mind-probes to ensure we're all on the same side."
"WHAT?!" both G'kar and Na'Toth exclaim.
"Standard procedure," F'landers says. "It won't take long."
"I refuse to put up with this nonsense," Na'Toth says.
"Now, now," G'kar says. "It probably won't be that bad."
"I still refuse. It goes against my principles."
"Well," F'landers says, "the Good Book tells us that--"
"What good book is that?" Na'Toth asks. "The Book of G'Quon? I'd prefer to read from the Book of Kiss My Scaly Green Butt!"
"But--" F'landers starts, but G'kar interrupts him.
"Perhaps if you'd give us a moment, my son? I want to talk to Na'Toth," G'kar says.
"Okely-dokely!" F'landers walks a short distance away.
"Why are you behaving this way?" G'kar asks Na'Toth.
"Why? How can you ask me that? My mother's cousin's sister's milkman was a telepath, and they made him take drugs for years! And he liked it! Went off and started a commune, selling love-beads adn eating tofu and following the Dead all over the galaxy! And you ask me why I'm reacting this way?"
"Well, maybe if you--" G'kar turns at a groan, sees his son bent over in pain. He hurries to F'landers's side. "What's happening, son?"
"Another growth spurt," F'landers says, staggering away. "Another change. Stay back."
Moments later, F'landers's body warps and twists, growing fatter...
"F'landers?" G'kar asks when the change seems complete.
"F'landers?" G'kar's son scoffs. "What a stupid name. I'm changing it to H'omer, now!"
" wish," G'kar frowns. He leads H'omer back toward their table. "My son, you were mentioning telepathic scans before..."
"What?" H'omer says. "Oh, we'll do that later. Much more important things to do now," he adds, looking around the restaurant. His eyes fall on someone's dinner plate. "Mmmmmmm, spoooooooo..."

UI #76: The Abduction

Delenn is down on Epsilon Three, visiting with Draal, who's disconnected from the Great Machine for a while in order to give her a tour.
"This is the *true* heart of the machine," Draal says, leading her into a room. "I only discovered it a few days ago."
The room's filled with a rhythmic noise: THUMP, THUMP, THUMP, THUMP...
"What's that noise?" Delenn asks.
"The source of the Great Machine's power, what's been keeping it going for centuries." Draal opens a hatch in the floor, to reveal...
"A bunny?" Delenn says. "A pink bunny with sunglasses beating a drum?"
"I can't explain it either," Draal says. "But it just keeps going and going and going..."
Delenn later returns to Babylon 5.
A few days afterward, Draal comes to visit her on the station--but physically, rather than in hologram form.
"Draal?" Delenn says. "What's going on? Why aren't you hooked into the Great Machine?"
"The bunny's gone, Delenn!" Draal cries. "The power source has been stolen; the Machine is dead!"
' "No!"
"Yes! Zathras 12 is out of the system on another case, but the other Zathrases and I have discovered that the culprit might be on the station."
"Then we must go to Zack immediately!"
They hurry off to find Zack, explain the situation to him.
"I'm not sure I can help," Zack says.
"But you're head of security!" Draal says.
"Yes, but..."
"But what?" Delenn asks.
"Yes, you must do your job!" Draal says.
Zack begins to flip out. "Good lord, don't you people understand? I've never had to solve a crime before! I don't know what to do! That was always Garibaldi's job!"
"You have to do it!" Draal says. "Without the Great Machine..."
"But nothing," Delenn says. "You're in the opening credits, for crying out loud! Do something useful!"
Zack punches his comlink. "Somebody find me Garibaldi! In the name of all that's holy, SOMEBODY FIND GARIBALDI!"
Delenn grabs Zack, slaps him a few times. "Snap out of it, man!"
Zack takes a deep breath, settles down. "I'm okay, I'm all right."
"Now," Delenn says soothingly. "What are you going to do first?"
"Uh...put together a search force?"
"Good. And then?"
"Um...begin a section by section sweep of the station?"
"Gooood boy." Delenn pats him on the head and feeds him a biscuit.
Later, Zack and his team begin their search. Soon they find a drum mallet. Then another, and bits of pink fur leading them deeper in Downbelow. They finally arrive in a darkened room.
A tiny spotlight comes on, illuminating the pink bunny hanging from a noos in the middle of the room.
"There it is," Zack says. "Let's go--"
"Wait," one of the security people says, pointing. "What's that?"
A tiny, shadowy, bird-like form starts to emerge from the shadows, and a voice drifts out to them: "Dooo-be-do-be-dooooooo..."
Zack's heart freezes. "Oh. My. GOD!!!"
He and his people flee in terror. As they run through the corridors, they pass Delenn.
"What's going on?" she asks.
"You can handle this one yourself!" Zack shouts as he runs by. "I'm joining the Rangers! This station's doomed...!"

UI #77: A Little Wager

The station's abuzz with the arrival of a ship from beyond the Rim. A ship from another galaxy entirely. It's running on automatic, an when it docks, Sheridan's crew finds aboard it a dapper man inside a cryo-tube. They take him to Medlab and thaw him out.
"Where--?" the man says, looking around.
"You're aboard the space station Babylon 5," Sheridan says. "I'm President Sheridan of the Interstellar Alliance."
"I'm Lando Calrissian," the man says. "How long have I been asleep?"
Dr. Franklin shrugs. "No way to tell. But certainly, by the wear on your ship, a long, long time."
"Damn!" Lando slams a hand down on the bed. "I *knew* Han would play some kind of trick on me. I *thought* that bed was getting awfully cold. He must not have forgiven me for that carbonite thing."
"Well," Sheridan says. "We'll do our best to help you settle in here."
"I'd appreciate that."
Sheridan takes Lando on a tour of the station, and along the way they bump into Londo.
"Ah, Londo," Sheridan says. "I've got someone I want you to meet. Lando, meet Londo. Londo, meet Lando."
"Pleasure to meet you," Lando says.
"And you," Londo answers.
"It's a nice station you've got here," Lando says. "But tell don't happen to have any casinos around here, do you?"
"Aha!" Londo beams. "A man of good sensibilities. I'll take over the tour from here, if you don't mind, Sheridan. I think I can handle this area better than you."
"Probably," Sheridan says, and wanders off.
Londo leads Lando away toward the casinos. "We have some of the finest casinos in the galaxy, friend Lando."
"Sounds good. I don't suppose you people know how to play a game called sabacc, do you?"
"No, but I'd be more than happy to learn..."
Later, Vir finds Londo alone in his quarters, drinking up a storm.
"Londo, what's wrong with you? Why are you acting this way?"
"Why? Why? That con-man Lando beat me at some infernal game called sabacc!"
"So you lost a bet. It can't be that bad. Can it?"
"You ask ME that? Of course it can be that bad, Vir!" Londo grabs Vir's shirt, shakes him. "I gave away the homeworld, Vir! Aaaarrrgghhh!" He sighs, slumps back into his chair. "Ah, well. At least it's in good hands. Lando says that with the proper modifications, it'll make point-five past light speed and make the Kessel Run in twelve parsecs..."

UI #78: The Collective

Sheridan goes to a holding cell, meets with the man who's being held there.
"Let me see if I've got this right," Sheridan says. "You say you worked with the Shadows, and then the Drakh?"
"Yes," the man says.
"And now you want to defect?"
"That's correct. Their plans are just...just too horrible to be allowed to succeed."
"And what are these plans, exactly?"
The man hesitates. "You know that the Shadows often altered species for their own purposes? Well, there was one program that the Shadows started but never had a chance to finish before they left. The Drakh completed the experiment and are planning to unleash it."
"Well, we'll look into these claims and--"
"No!" the man shouts. "There's no time! They're going to launch the attack any day now!"
That moments, alarms begin going off.
Up in C&C, Corwin calls out to Lochley, "Something's coming through the jumpgate, Captain! Something big!"
Lochley looks out the viewport, sees a huge pale cube emerge from the jumpgate. "What the hell?"
"It's organic, Captain," Corwin says. Then his jaw drops. "The sensors identify it as--"
He's cut off by a voice booming over the speakers.
"Fire at will!" Lochley shouts. "Destroy that thing!"
The defense grid opens fire, reduces the spoo cube into fragments. A cheer goes up from the command crew.
Moments later, Corwin breaks the mood. "Captain, those fragments...they're moving toward the station! They're not dead!"
"My God! They're burrowing through the hull!"
Meanwhile, as Sheridan makes his way through the corridors on his way to C&C, he sees the invading spoo cubes rolling along the floor, swarming over everyone they encounter. He sees Vir backing away, crying, "No, no! I'm a vegetarian! I'm a vegetarian!" Then the Centauri aide goes down under the spoo.
Sheridan finally makes it to C&C, just as a White Star emerges from the jumpgate. The ship hails them, and Lennier's image appears on the screen.
"Lennier!" Sheridan says. "Get out of here! This station's being overrun by spoo! You've got to warn the rest of the Alliance!"
Lennier smiles. "Oh, I know all about the spoo. I've actually got the only bio-weapon that'll defeat them."
"You do? Send it over, man!'
"Well, now," Lennier grins. "Look who wants MY help now. Mr. High-and-Mighty President! Mr. Steal-My-Woman, Boot-Me-Off-The-Station-and--"
"Come on, Lennier! Help us out!"
"Who's the man?" Lennier says.
"Who's the man?"
Just then, the door to the command deck begins to buckle and crack, and bits of spoo begin to crawl through.
Sheridan turns back to Lennier. "You the man! You the man!"
"That's more like it!" Lennier turns to his gunner. "Ready the nukes."
"What?!" Sheridan says. "You said you had a bio-weapon!"
"I lied. This plague can't be allowed to spread. Say hello to Keffer for me!"
Laughing insanely, Lennier launches the nukes and watches the station explode.
"I love this bad-ass Ranger stuff!" he crows. Then he turns to his navigator. "Plot a course out of here. Let's find something else to blow up..."

UI #79: Sherman's In Charge! (Set between "Chrysalis" and "Points of Departure")

Ivanova's up in C&C when an unfamiliar man in uniform walks in.
"Excuse me," the man says. "I'm Captain Sherman, and I've been authorized to take command of Babylon 5."
"Really?" Ivanova asks. "I've heard nothing of this. What happened to Commander Siclair?"
"He's been reassigned to Minbar. He's the new Earth ambassador."
"I see. Welcome aboard, then. Perhaps you'd like a tour of the station, sir?"
Sherman shakes his head. "There's no time for that. We've got to get this station ready."
"Ready for what?"
Sherman stares at her. "For WHAT? My God, woman, don't you know? Vice-President Clarke was behind the President's assassination!"
"It's true! This station has to go independent, and we have to do it now!"
"Hold on. I don't think--"
"There's no time to think!" Sherman says. "And Clarke's the least of our problems. The Shadows are coming! We've got to get ready for the war!"
"War?" Ivanova frowns. "Sir, maybe you should take some time to rest before you jump inot station operations."
"No, no, no!" Sherman says. He grabs Ivanova, shakes her. "Don't you understand? The Vorlons are actually glowing beings beneath those encounter suits! They've been manipulating us for years!"
Just then, Dr. Franklin walks in. He frowns when he sees Sherman.
"Sherman," he says. "How'd you get out of the psyche ward? And where'd you get that uniform?"
Franklin takes Sherman's arm, and looks at Ivanova. "Sorry about this, Susan. We've been trying to cure him of these delusions, but..." He shakes his head and starts to lead Sherman out.
"Morden works with the Shadows!" Sherman shouts as he's being led away. Ivanova can hear his voice as he disappears down the corridor: "Don't you peole understand? He works with the Shadows, and the Gummi Bears have no shoes! Do you hear me? The Gummi Bears HAVE NO SHOES...!"

UI #80: Delenn's Transformation

Lennier's in Delenn's quarters, waiting for her to emerge from her cocoon. Suddenly, there's a crack!
Lennier looks up, surprised, then hurries to the comlink. He sends out messages to Sheridan, Londo, G'kar and Kosh. Within minutes, everyone but Kosh has arrived.
"Good, good," Lennier says. "You should all be here for this." He looks around. "Where's ambassador Kosh?"
Londo waves it away. "You know those Vorlons; they always have to be fashionably late."
There's another crack in the cocoon.
"This is it!" Lennier says. "Any minute now..."
Suddenly a fat purple arm bursts through the cocoon, followed by another arm.
"By G'Quon!" G'kar says.
Then the whole cocoon is shattered as a huge purple dinosaur leaps out and engulfs Lennier in a hug.
"My God!" Sheridan shouts. He whips out his ppg gun and starts to blast the dinosaur, to no effect.
"It'" Lennier gasps. "Save...yourselves. Don'"
Behind them, the door opens and in glides Kosh. The Vorlon takes one look at the purple dinosaur and his eye-lens goes wide. He gives a girlish scream and flees out the door.
Sheridan, G'kar and Londo back towards the door. The dinosaur drops the crushed body of Lennier and starts toward them.
Londo reaches up and pulls off his fan of hair. He hurls it like a weapon at the dinosaur, slicing a foamy chunk off one of its arms. The piece falls to the floor, and the dinosaur hesitates.
"Good work, Mollari!" G'kar says.
Then they see the wound on the dinosaur heal. And then the foam chunk on the floor starts to wobble, and expands before their very eyes into a clone of the first beast.
"Mollari, you idiot!" G'kar says.
Sheridan, Londo and G'kar run away, the dinosaurs in hopping, skipping pursuit.
Sheridan taps his comlink. "Ivanova, we've got a situation here! I need--"
Ivanova interrupts him. "YOU'VE got a situation? A couple of our other Minbari guests put together their own little Chrysalis machines, and they just broke out of their cocoons!"
"No, no, don't tell me!" Sheridan says. "More purple dinosaurs?"
"Not exactly..."
Ivanova explains the situation to him, and Sheridan says, "Wait a minute, I'm getting an idea here. It's so crazy it just might work! Get the Zocalo evacuated and then get your two targets there!"
"Will do," Ivanova says.
Sheridan, Londo and G'kar lead the purple dinosaurs through the station's corridors, while everyone in their path runs screaming for safety. Sheridan and Co. run out onto the Zocalo, and Sheridan sees Ivanova and a group of security guards coming through the opposite entrance. The two groups meet in the middle of the pavillion.
"Okay," Ivanova says. "They'll be here any second. What now?"
"Now, we get to safety," Sheridan says, leading everyone up onto a gantry overlooking the Zocalo.
Within moments, they all see the purple dinosaurs emerge from the entrance Sheridan, G'kar and Londo had used. Moments later they see, coming through the entrance Ivanova's group had used, two *green* dinosaurs.
The two dinosaur factions stop and stare at each other. Then one of the purples points and growls, "Green!"
One of the greens points and growls, "Purple!"
The two sides rush each other, arms outstretched to crush.
"This ought to be fun," Ivanova grins...



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