News archives part 2. The other one actually ran out of room.
Here starts the next archives. From 6/19 on. Once again, this page will be bland. But does anyone care? of course not.
Damn the email thingys. The email I sent yesterday was booted back to me, so I guess the graphic stealer will live. For now.
One of sCary's wack-ass links is this wack-ass page. I have a hard time interpreting it. Some day I will learn the language of AOL. And then I will die.
Loser Report: Every once in a while I come across a site that makes me think "Hey, this site looks pretty damn cool." I did that today. But then something hit me. "I've seen this before.". And i did. A complete chessy graphic rip-off. I hate it when people do this. Its ok if its a general graphic thats practically public domain, like a picture of comic character or in my case, Mario or Raiden, or something like that. But when a person rips off another persons graphic and just changes the text upon it to reflect their own pisses me off. I'm sure I'd go on a killing/spamming spree. You want to know what the hell I'm talking about? Go here for the real graphic, and then here for the shameless rip-off. And their rip-off page doesn't stop there. Although it seems like a hell of a lot of content, its nothing but links to other pages, including And those pages which are theirs are blatant rip-offs of the page mentioned earlier. Even going so far as to copy the web design as well. And the damn links don't even open up in the main frame, instead deciding to pop-up a new damn window. The funny thing is that the site mentions how to use CGI counters and goodies like that, but anyone whos had any experience with Geocities knows you can't use your own CGI. ah. the joy of bull-shit. I really have the feeling that I want to sign their guestbook and bitch, but no, I won't. A good e-mail message to the owner of the real graphic should do the trick.
Get Netscape Communicator 4.5 preview version here -> While you're waiting for that goliath download, read the realease notes. Yippe.
update: The Half-Life Release Date was a Forgery. Oh well...
bah. no news updates only beacause I'm a slacker. There are other reasons too : I've been working on another page. NO not this one. Nor is it wabart. It's another secret project. Well not really secret. it's just that you can't view it right now. Well. Sometimes you can. Try this ip address every once in a while. It might work. But it probably won't..
Anyway, halflife has been scheduled to be realesed on August 26th. Thats great. WillI buy it? hahahahah. And Sindays only in a couple days. That'll be great. Millions of people trying to download a 50 meg demo from a 25 user max ftp server. Wow. How great. But at least there'll be mirrors.
unedited news update, what it looks like before I clean up my bad typing skills. :
bah. no news updates only beacause I'm a slacker. There are other reasons too : I've been working on another page. NO not this one. Nor is it wabaart. its a nother secret project. Well not really secret. it's just that you cna't view it right now. Well. sometimte you can. try this ip address every once in a while. It might work. but it rpobably won't..
Anyway, halflife has been schefuled to be realesde on AUgust 26th. Thats great. WillI buy it? hahahahah. And sindays only in a coouple days. that'll be great. millions of people trying to download a 50 meg demo from a 25 user max ftp server. wow. how great. But at least there'll be mirrors.
Better late than never, right?
Another web mail service has started. Do we actually need another?IGNMail lets you choose your domain address as well. I'm datafox is now
win 98 bug. yippe. Still don't have it yet. I'm missing out on the discovery process.
Vote for the new token in monopoly. Vote for the sack o' money! It kicks ass. Actually they all suck. I think they need a duke or Quake piece. Or a hand with movable fingers. So you can move the fingers depending on your mood. Like the middle finger when you're angry and when you're winning you can put the ...umm... middle finger up. Alright, forget the hand... just put a middle finger.
PC COmputing contest to win a Real 3D StarFighter. 18+ only.
Yes! Quake news rocks! LMCTF Tournament Edition is being released on the 15th! Finally! Read their page about all the kick-ass info.
id has released a new outlands map for CTf. anyone whos played this map knows how unbalanced this map is. THe blue side is only accessible by one passage. I hope this one is much more fair.
A great 4 page article on Cheating is up at Go read it. Then go download some llama porno.
Today is July 7th, 1998. It is Tuesday. I have no update planned.
I'm making graphics. Big graphics. Almost 30k of memory each. Wow.
Update on hell : Nothing has changed. sonuvabitch
QCommand is now free. I signed up for it. And.... um... I have no idea what it's for.
Way back on JUne 18th, it seems Disney bought 44% of Infoseek. And you all know what that means. The first hit on your search for pr0n is going to be of Mickey Mouse. What a sick world...
I just got an Issue of Techweek dated june 29th today. Wow.
USA Today show us that they use IE and not Netsacpe on this contest page. They obviosly don't know about the different spacing in Netscape and IE since the words actually overlap the green/blue junk. Anyway..... It looks like a cool contest. You have to write a paragraph for a story. But, would I enter? Ha. My writing skills belong to me! Muhahahah. eh. damn. me sleep now. update later. I might even update one of the other sections for a change... nah.. I should work on all that html stuff. Like that damn Fools page. um. oh yeah. right. go to sleep now.
DataFox'ssite was reworked by me. It loads a litte different now.
So, AOL, what have you been up too? Getting hacked again? yippe. Read More
Empire Interactive is having a neat contest where you have to find the word pickle on their web site. I haven't found it yet, but I'll still be trying. The shocked version of their web site is the coolest thing in existence. If you don't hae shockwave, go get it now, and check out the web site. it rocks.
7/4/98 Saturday -- Independence Day.
Happy Independence day or something. I'm not going to update today due to this holiday thingy. What? You think I should update because I don't have a life other than this page? oh. You're right. But I still won't. Muha.
Wow.Thinkquest is cool. I could've won some nice money if i knew about this. I could make a wack-ass site about something intellectual. I could've won a whole $25 or something.(Actually the prize money is impressive. in the ten thousands) The winner of 1997's award has a pretty weird web site. I think the design is alright and is definetly not complicated. But it shows no web pimpin skillz. And isn't that what the internet's for?
New WInzip beta. Do i need this? hell no.
What do I do when I've got The Fools, and a new page for this site to finish? what else? Redesign the index.html! If you can, check it out in IE. I did a neat thing with style sheets. ack. I should really work on those other sites. hmm. maybe next year.
hmmm.... this page is a little too short. Let's make load time a living hell, ok? Computer News always rocks..
Everyone remembers when Microsoft had browser name troubles?. well seems like IBM wants to join the party. According to this report at InfoWorld, IBM is going to go to court with some European company over the "e-business" logo. Why can't some darn company come out with a Wabut thing? I want to make some money Too damnit!
In this article, it makes mention about Gates being the richest man in the world and his buddy, Warren Buffet, is #3 in the world. MAke you wonder whos #2, eh? well. It's me. All those Cyberthrill clicks can really make a man rich.
Netrams has announced that they will be shipping $499 computers. No monitor of course. Funny thing is that this computer is a beast compared to datafox's. It's not too bad, but I bet is probably put together by illegal immigrants. Read More
Speaking of Illegal immigrants, It seems that NEC will be taking over Packard BEll completely now. The factory right here in sacramento is nicely held together by people who don't know what they are doing. Maybe they'll start hiring real people. Like me. I think I deserve the CEO seat. Read more
Muha? MUhahahah.
Next-gen has a Contest up to win Motocross Madness by MIcrosoft. GO enter or something. You've got to send an emial message with a bunch-o info. I think Datafox should tell them the system info to his pimpin' 486. They'd feel sorry for him and give him a server or something. I don't think VFAtadan could win though, his computer is just way too advanced for anyone....
7/1/98 Wednesday -- Canada Day? What?
Note to Hammai if you're still out there somewhere : There are new drivers up for the Sound Blaster 16/32/AWE32/AWE64 cards. it says "Fixed the default midi device not selected in multimedia applet problem." maybe this could've been your problem? Go here to get the drivers.
6/30/98 Tuesday TEA's last day :(
Um Paul Schuytema of 3D Realms made a interesting .plan update. read up.
Hmmm. I updated the other stuff page with a new parody. The magic html is coming around just nice for the other page I'm doing. I just took a screenshot of it in full screen mode, and was going to post it, but it looks like at the full 1024 x 768 resolution my tables move around and are not poistioned correctly. damn. But it's probably a bug I won't fix. At least its not a major bug. Just some stuff doesn't connect properly.
Hell has not changed today. Don't ask.
Microsoft has once again got another battle (along with the one mentioned below) in court. It looks like AT&T also has a grudge with them. Something about the NT source code. I don't really give a damn when 2 noname companys like At&T(who?) and microsoft(Macrosoft?) go to battle. Read More at InfoWorld
Hell isn't back to normal yet, but at least its a little warmer. Updates will be rare until this is over. Don't ask. Please.
Microsoft finally got the Us Justice thing over with so now its on to bigger things. Namely the name Internet Explorer.(hahah. that was a good sentence.) Seems like someone filed a suit against MIcrosoft a while ago and is finally getting to go to court over it. A Chicago ISP distributed a software dubbed Internet Explorer to his clients before Microsoft created theirs. Now he wants compensation for Microsoft copying the name. Hmmm. I think MIcrosoft should change it to Internet pathFinder. Or better yet, how about Internet Navigator. Now that one sounds cool. Read more at Techweb.
One more just because its cool... Rocket Arena 2 : Inside and out has posted the top 10 excuses for losing a match... and mines was picked for #3! Yippe! but alas.... no credit was given :( BUt it's mines.....really...
Argh.... well one update while hells freezing.... New Winamp out. V 1.92. I don't feel like getting it. oh well. back to work.
I'm partially over yesterday. Don't ask. The true effects won't come into play for a while. Or nothing will happen. I've got to find a way to unfreeze hell...
6/25/98 Thursday-- Win 98? wow...
Them bastards...
BTW: I am really sorry I haven't been keeping to my word and updating these pages regularly. Some l33t hacker kids hacked into my computer and leeched a lot of stuff off of my HD, as well as screwed with a bunch of my settings and files. I've spent most of the week trying to fix everything up and making sure my computer is secure. :/ |
That's clipped from the quake2 tip of the day which is updated by the quake god thresh. Don't they know any better? I hope they go to jail. Or better yet. School.
A graphic also came with this text, but it looks so damn cheesy and retro, that I'd rather not put it. This is just as bad as DIVX. just think, no VCR, no new technology, none of the new goodies except for the ones which are restricted by government stuff. No more bootlegs? Who the hell wants that?
Who was 1000? I can't believe it actually wasn't me. I was 1002. From my neat tracking program, it says the person who visited my site is at unfortunately, this ip doesn't have a domain name, but it is on a LAN somewhere, uses win95 and MSIE 3, and is protected by a firewall. Who is it? no one knows... but whoever it is must get a kick ass ping if he plays quake2.
Free stuff. You get stuff for viewing web pages, but I think it's one of those pain in the ass programs. You get 20 points or something for each site you view, and need 5000 to get the cheapest thing (a $10 gift certificate to your choice among 4-5 stores). blah.
A new news site on (of all places) Geocities has gotten its 15 minutes of fame among the Quake community. The Texas Martini Foundation has a bunch of news, his opinion, and no graphics at all. At least his sorting of news looks alright, although it looks a little like BLues. It's a decent site, but he offended Blue by saying he is "being bought by ad dollars." Therefore I can't say that I'll be visiting that site much or even at all. I mean, geez, he even has the damn geocities pop up window on his site. Even Datafox doesn't have that anymore.
I think I entered this contest before, but I just came across it again. The PC COnnection Computer-A-Day Giveaway. The computer they're giving away isn't too good, but they're giving away one everyday, so at least you have a good chace at winning something. Oh shoot. damn. there's an age requirement. fudge.
Even though I don't have win98 yet, I just made a graphic that I thought would make sense with the release of win98. Its below genius.
One of those talked about really cool features in WIn98 is the ability to single-click your way around. I guess Mr. Gates has become so lazy, that he decided that the extra click is too much. This graphic does not have my name on it, but for everyone to know, this graphic was created by me. Me, damnit, me. Alright? cool.
Check this site I've never thought of adding 'ler' to my handle before and its effects. Butlers are cool. Alfred is cool. Except he's always using my damn bat-computer to play Happy Pongtm.
I redid the MXG thing. Now nothing fits in with each other. It looks like a bunch of boxes stacked on top of each other. Oh well. At least the website garage thing gives me a good rating now. And everybody knows that the websitegarage is the standard when rating web sites. eh. whatever. The problem with the rearranging now is that I won't get credited with a hit on the top 1000 or unless the viewer lets the page load fully. oh well.
8:21 PM -- uh-oh. Looks like theirs a pretty ugly error when viewing this site in Netscape 3.0. Seems the bar wants to overlap into this cell. I'll look into it. Also... If my other stuff page and rants page looks like a bunch of text, turn your brightness up. If your brightness and contrast is down, it makes the page look like a bunch of text and nothing more. Really. With the birghtness up, it looks half decent.
5:47 PM -- WHoever becomes my 1000th hit, please sign the guestbook. What am i saying...It's going to be me.
5:35 PM -- I rearranged the index.html to speed the load a little. The web ring is next on the list of being moved or formatted. Don't click on the forum and stuff. They're dead links now.
Damn. I have carpal tunnel syndrome or something. My wrists hella hurt. And i still managed a new rant. I'd add more to it, but damn my wrists hurt.
I think I'm also going to change the MXG web ring pic. its boring. and big. check back eventually.
8:20 PM -- Quicker than I thought. It's here. Due to me cluttering the news page as well as the "Your stupid" page with nonsense, I've created Other Stuff. Where other stuff goes of course. I have that funny feeling it'll be one of those sites which I'll create and never update. Yeah. I'm right.
CompUSA buys out COmputer City. Less free stuff. woohoo. damn. back to work...
6:13 pm - the thing I'm working on is 1/2 done. It's lookng pretty sweet. I just need to do 1 - 2 more pages and it will be complete. I found something that looks like a pretty sweet deal. Much better than the forum we have now (which i think consists of 1 post by me. I haven't been there since it started. heheh), this one looks like a normal one. It's free too.Click here.
heh. I turn on EGN every day now just so I can get a new patch. After the patch is done, i turn it off. Until ICQ becomes pay to use, I'll probably keep up with this nonsense.
ALlstar CTF 2 is being released tonight. woohoo. I might actually play some CTF for a change. Maybe.
I'm working on something for this site. I want to make it look pretty cool, so its gonna take a while for me to finish. Check back in a year or so. It should look cool by then. (More like 2-3 days actually)
I'm back.... sonuvabitch. At least I didn't miss anything important. I hope.
Damnit.... My Crappy ISP is not working. I dial-in and get no friggin response. Right now, I'm connected through TeaBBs. Argh... If I was bigger I'd go beat the shit out of Lanset. warning to anyone looking for a new Isp, just because Lanset is cheap doesn't mean its any good. This really sucks. LANSET SUCKS. If those bastards fix whatever the hells wrong with their servers, I'll be back online later to do some more bitching.
5:29 -- The FBI released some goodies. go read 128 pages of it. I'm not going to bother.
2:06 -- Wow. Free Wing Commander. report from Next-gen. Read it yourself. You might now need Wing Commander Prohecy to play. Even cooler.
way cool. I've been mirrorred at dlroW hcnuL tnatsnI s'tubaW. GO now. its cool. except for the java script error. But that's ok.
I've also been translated to new dialects (sorry, no Argintinian) for example, here, here, and here. NOt bad for my site. This stuff from none other than BLuesNews
What next? something really cool. This one's from sCary's. See what the wrold is searching for right now on search engines. This is hilarious. As well as real! Go now. The stuff some people search for is disgusting. Like someone searched for "simon cool guy." what the hell?
6/19/98 Friday...already? woah... |
11:28 PM-- Argh... 0.37 k/sec 0.57k/sec 0.63k /sec 0.62k/sec 0.53k/ sec..... wow. this is really fast. just went up to 0.94 k/sec.. damn now its back to 0.38k .sec. hey. 1.10 k /sec! amazing! And this is just 1 of like 6 South Park Videos I still have to download. Argh... damnit.. stay consistant damnit! argh...
2:10-- Any one have any idea what's wrong with the ICQ thing on my index? Its been coming up with blank pics for a while now. or has AOL started the improvements?...
Alrighty... anyone know what is the best dorm at UCDavis is? Even though I've already sent the packet and stuff, I've heard some funny stuff about the dorm I picked from my soon_to_be_roommate. Oh yeah. maybe i should ask B2...
Wabut : Oh Quake God...What dorm is the best at UCDavis? B2 : Stop bugging me you stupid brat!
On 2nd thought, I think I'll just prey to god that I get a friggin T1 line, no cows, and no pigs.
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