Star Trek - The Card Game - Basic Set
(last update 06/17/00)

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[Permanent Wild Cards] [Plot Cards] [Wild Cards]

Crew Cards
Name of card Rarity H/W
Dr. Elisabeth Dehner U +1(N)
Dr. Mark Piper R *
Ensign Angela Martine C *
Ensign Matthews C *
Ensign Pavel A. Chekov U *
Ensign Rayburn C *
Geological Technician Fisher R *
Lieutenant (j.G.) Joe Tormolen C *
Lieutenant Alden R *
Lieutenant Charlene Masters C *
Lt. Commander Benjamin Finney R *
Lt. Commander Gary Mitchell R *
Lt. Commander Giotto C *
Lt. Commander Kelowitz C *
Lt. Cmdr. Montgomery Scott U *
Lieutenant D'Amato C *
Lieutenant DePaul U *
Lieutenant DeSalle R *
Lieutenant Esteban Rodriguez C +1(N)
Lieutenant Gaetano C *
Lieutenant Hikaru Sulu U +1(N)
Lieutenant Karl Jaeger R *
Lieutenant Kevin T. Riley R *
Lieutenant Kyle VR *
Lieutenant Lang C +1(N)
Lieutenant Latimer U *
Lieutenant Lee Kelso U +1(N)
Lieutenant Leslie U *
Lieutenant Lindstrom U +2(N)
Lieutenant Marla McGivers VR *
Lieutenant Mira Romaine R *
Lieutenant O'Neil C +1(N)
Lieutenant Painter U +1(N)
Lieutenant Robert Tomlinson C +2(N)
Lieutenant Spinelli C *
Lieutenant Thom Parham VR *
Lieutenant Uhura U +1(N)
Nurse Christine Chapel U +1(N)
Transporter Technician Wilson R *
Yeoman Janice Rand U *
Yeoman Karen Greene C *
Yeoman Martha Landon R *
Yeoman Mears C *
Yeoman Smith C *
Yeoman Teresa Ross C *
Yeoman Tina Lawton U *

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[Permanent Wild Cards] [Plot Cards] [Wild Cards]

Challenge Cards
Name of card Rarity H/W
Alice in Wonderland C +1(N)
Alien Savages C +2(N)
Andorians C *
Android Duplicate VR *
Ayelborne R *
Balok R *
Bele R *
Ben Childress U *
Bilar U *
Black Knight U +3(N)
Capellans C *
Claudius Marcus R *
Colonel Green C *
Commodore Jose Mendez VR *
Commodore Stone U +1(N)
Decius C *
Denevan Neural Parasites R *
Dikironium Cloud Creature VR *
Don Juan C *
Dr. Brown C *
Dr. Elisabeth Dehner VR *
Dr. Roger Korby R *
Dr. Simon Van Gelder C +1(N)
Dr. Tristan Adams U +1(N)
Elias Sandoval U *
Eve McHuron U +1(N)
Former Love VR *
Former Rival Finnegan VR *
Galactic High Commissioner Ferris VR *
Genghis Khan U *
Gorn Captain C +1(N)
Hacom R *
Horta U *
Hostile Miners C *
Insane Colonists C +2(N)
Jahn R *
Joaquin U +1(N)
Kahless R *
Kang U +1(N)
Khan Noonien Singh R *
Klingon Landing Party C +1(N)
Klingon Sniper VR *
Klingon Warrior U +1(N)
Kor U *
Landru R *
Lawgivers C *
Lazarus C +3(N)
Leila Kalomi U +1(N)
Lenore Karidian R *
Lethe R *
Lieutenant Commander Gary Mitchell VR *
M-133 Monster (Crewman Green Form) VR *
M-133 Monster (Natural Form) VR *
Magda Kovacs C +1(N)
Mara U +1(N)
Melkotians U *
Metron R *
Military Officers, 20th Century U *
Miri U *
Mudd's Women U +1(N)
Mugato R *
Nomad VR *
Onlies C *
Organian Council of Elders VR *
Otto U +2(N)
Planetary Guards C *
Plasus U +3(N)
Rojan R *
Romulan Battle Cruiser Commander U *
Romulan Bird-of-Prey Commander C +3(N)
Romulan Centurion U +1(N)
Ruk C *
Ruth Bonaventure C +1(N)
Samurai Warrior C *
Talosians U +2(N)
Tellarites C *
The Kaylar C *
The Keeper VR -1
Transporter Duplicate VR *
Trefayne U *
Trelane C *
Vina U +1(N)
Vina, the Orion Dancer R *
White Rabbit C +1(N)
Witch U *
Wyatt Earp U *
Yarnek R *

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[Permanent Wild Cards] [Plot Cards] [Wild Cards]

Discovery Cards
Name of card Rarity H/W
A Taste of Armageddon R *
Arena U *
Balance of Terror C +1(N)
Charlie X C *
Court-Martial R *
Dagger of the Mind U *
Errand of Mercy U *
Miri U *
Mudd's Women C +1(N)
Operation: Annihilate! C *
Return of the Archons U *
Shore Leave C +2(N)
Space Seed C *
The Alternative Factor C +2(N)
The Cage C +3(N)
The City on the Edge of Forever C +3(N)
The Conscience of the King R *
The Corbomite Maneuver C +2(N)
The Devil in the Dark C +2(N)
The Enemy Within U *
The GALILEO Seven C +2(N)
The Man Trap C +1(N)
The Menagerie C +2(N)
The Naked Time R *
The Squire of Gothos C +4(N)
This Side of Paradise C +1(N)
Tomorrow is Yesterday C +2(N)
What are little Girls made of? U *
Where no Man has gone before U *

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[Permanent Wild Cards] [Plot Cards] [Wild Cards]

Effect Cards
Name of card Rarity H/W
Disruptor Blast U +1(N)
Dose of the Venus Drug R *
Have Some Tranya U +1(N)
Makeshift Weapons U *
Medical Readout R *
Medikit - Blue Icon C *
Medikit - Red Icon C *
Mind Sifter R *
Phaser Blast - Blue Icon C *
Phaser Blast - Yellow Icon C +1(N)
Phaser on Overload R *
Phaser Rifle Fire R *
Slug of Saurian Brandy C *
Song of a Vulcan Harp R +1(N)
Tricorder Reading - Red Icon C *
Tricorder Reading - Yellow Icon C *

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[Permanent Wild Cards] [Plot Cards] [Wild Cards]

Mission Cards
Name of card Rarity H/W
A Taste of Armageddon U *
Arena C +3(N)
Balance of Terror C +3(N)
Charlie X U *
Court-Martial U *
Dagger of the Mind R *
Errand of Mercy C +2(N)
Miri C +3(N)
Mudd's Women C +2(N)
Operation: Annihilate! C +6(N)
Return of the Archons U *
Shore Leave C +3(N)
Space Seed C +1(N)
The Alternative Factor C +3(N)
The Cage C +3(N)
The City on the Edge of Forever U +1(N)
The Conscience of the King U *
The Corbomite Maneuver C +3(N)
The Devil in the Dark C +1(N)
The Enemy within R *
The GALILEO Seven U +2(N)
The Man Trap C +2(N)
The Menagerie C +1(N)
The Naked Time U *
The Squire of Gothos C +3(N)
This Side of Paradise U *
Tomorrow is Yesterday C +2(N)
What are little Girls made of? C +1(N)
Where no man has gone before C +3(N)

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[Permanent Wild Cards] [Plot Cards] [Wild Cards]

Permanent Wild Cards
Name of card Rarity H/W
New Life and New Civilizations C *
Shuttlecraft Galileo C *
Ion Storm U *
Romulan Bird-of-Prey U *
Starbase 11 R *
S.S. Fesarius VR *
Talos IV VR *

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[Permanent Wild Cards] [Plot Cards] [Wild Cards]

Plot Cards
Name of card Rarity H/W
A Taste of Armageddon U *
Arena C +3(N)
Balance of Terror C +1(N)
Charlie X C +3(N)
Court-Martial U +1(N)
Dagger of the Mind U *
Errand of Mercy C +2(N)
Miri C +2(N)
Mudd's Women U *
Operation: Annihilate! U +1(N)
Return of the Archons R *
Shore Leave U +2(N)
Space Seed U *
The Alternative Factor U *
The Cage C +3(N)
The City on the Edge of Forever C +2(N)
The Conscience of the King U *
The Corbomite Maneuver C +3(N)
The Devil in the Dark C +1(N)
The Enemy within U +1(N)
The GALILEO Seven C *
The Man Trap C +1(N)
The Menagerie C +2(N)
The Naked Time U +1(N)
The Squire of Gothos C +3(N)
This Side of Paradise C +2(N)
Tomorrow is Yesterday U *
What are little Girls made of? C +2(N)
Where no man has gone before C +2(N)

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[Permanent Wild Cards] [Plot Cards] [Wild Cards]

Wild Cards
Name of card Rarity H/W
"I'm a Doctor, Not a ..." VR *
"Jim - This man's a Klingon!" U *
Ambassador Robert Fox VR *
Are you of the Body? C *
Beam me up, Scotty! U *
Boot Scene R *
Captain John Christopher U *
Caretaker R *
Communicators Jammed! C *
Corbomite Maneuver C *
Court-Martial C *
Cultural Envoy VR *
Decisive Action R *
Deflector Shields at Maximum! C *
Direct Hit! U *
Distraction C *
Edge of the Galaxy VR *
Edith Keeler, 20th Century Reformer VR *
Great Bird of the Galaxy C *
Guardian of Forever U *
Heroic Sacrifice C +2(N)
Hypo Spray C *
Klingon Arms Suppliers R *
Lay in New Course C *
Logical Argument C *
Long-Winded Speech C *
Miraculous Recovery R *
Oddly Familiar Culture R *
Omicron Ceti III Spores U *
Orders from Starfleet R *
Personal Challenge C *
Phasers from Space C *
Photon Torpedoes U *
Psi 2000 Virus R *
Red Alert! U +1(N)
Red Hour R *
Report to the Bridge! R *
Romulan Cloaking Device R *
Romulan Disguise U *
Samuel T. Cogley, Attorney VR *
Shuttlecraft Crew Revolt R *
Slingshot Effect VR *
Standard Procedures U +1(N)
Starfleet Commendation U +1(N)
Talosian Illusion R *
Tantalus Chamber VR *
Thasians VR *
The Play's the Thing U *
Time Travel R *
Tinkering with the Engines C +2(N)
Transporter, Fully Energized R *
Transporters Operational C *
Turnabout Intruder VR *
Unknown Virus U +1(N)
Vulcan Mind Meld U *

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[Permanent Wild Cards] [Plot Cards] [Wild Cards]

By the way, you are visitor number since July, 7th, 1998.
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Last Update: June, 17th 2000 by TinaTiger