This page is my launching pad for Perry Rhodan information and links.
Right now, I only have two things here:
This page contains general information about the Real Space column that I am writing for the English version of Perry Rhodan.
Electronic versions of earlier columns and additional information on topics that I have discussed in previous columns.
If you want to go to a REAL Perry Rhodan page, might I suggest the site run by the good people bringing back Perry Rhodan in English. From here, you can get the new episodes, and find out what is happening in the Perry Rhodan universe. Just grab a friendly mousebeaver and teleport over to:
Note that Issue #1802 will be arriving in the stores approximately the first week of May, so keep your eyes peeled and grab a copy. Also, the format changed from issue 1800 (hefte format) to 1801 (magazine format). So, if you didn't get that first issue of the English language re-launch, track it down (you might check the link above). Issue 1800, titled "Time Lapse," will probably be a collector's item also!
If you can't find the Perry Rhodan issues in your favorite book store, call 1-800-221-3148 and ask for the location of the store nearest you.
Number of hits to this page since 4 April 1998 is