Real Name: Wendy W.
A. K. A. : Nightxade, Xade, Wendy
Bizzare Traits: Likes to wear as little as possible at all times (hey, that's what she claims!)
Description: The third member of the 'Efriends of Selena from Canada' society but this time not Celtic. Another strong-willed, strong-minded riot-grrl-come-slinky-tempress, she is (surprise suprise) also a 6ft 6 Amazon Goddess. She is also as much of a web-design queen as I am, maybe even more so since a) She can do things with javascript and b) she has been known to accept contracts to design webpages for money, neither of which I have yet to achieve. As a result, she is the one who actually got off her butt and set up an Amazon Goddess web site, which is why I put the link there, here. If you see what I mean. She is still studying journalism (and worrying about funding) and also wondering what she'll do afterwards - her main ambition is to write comic books and she's in the process of putting together a long-term idea she's had with her friend Trisha. She sees me as her big sister because I worry about her and we've been emailing each other quite a lot about our personal situations and discussing stuff we need to sort out and I love her without measure. She was also sweet enough to put in a small dedication to me on her website.
Websites: The unknown universe is her personal one, but she manages The 6ft 6 Amazon Goddesses one as well.
Most likely to say: "Here slave-boy! Nightxade's gonna make you bark!"
Least likely to say: "Don't ask me, I'm just a girl!"
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