Welcome to Nowhere

This is nowhere. You were somwhere, but then you came here. Why did you come here? Nowhere is not a good place to be, you can get lost reeeeeally easily. And then how do you get home? If you take your scrollbar, and move it halfway down the screen, you can see what the middle of nowhere looks like. That's really not a good place to be. Then everywhere around you is nowhere, and you'll have nowhere to go. Nowhere has the word nowhere been used more than here. This site is the epitomy of nowhere, with links to somwhere else. Why links, well, who would stay here, huh? It isn't much, it's my first effort at a webpage, and is still under construction. Right now it's mostly just links. Any comments or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Of course, if you hate the page, I really don't want to hear from you. Any flattering comments are welcome though. :)