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Welcome! It is the dead of winter now, the faires are closed, and this Drow is cranky. It seems I will never be comfortable with the cold and snow that arrives this time of year in the Surface Lands.

What's Here:

Final Rant for a While: (01/27/98)
I have been otherwise occupied for the past several months, and I found it impossible to find time to update my site. And now due to certain events taking place in my life, I have found it necessary to officially discontinue any updates regarding my life. In the meantime, I shall continue to elaborate on the mysteries of the Drow. Hopefully, by the arrival of Summer and Warm Weather, I shall once again be able to regal you with the grand tales and blunders of myself and those loved ones around me.

Site News: (01/27/98)
Not much has changed. GeoCites has changed their GeoGuide tool (the add at the top) again, greatly simplifying the HTML I have to write to use it. And I have taken down the Rants page, for reasons mentioned above.

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Netscape RocketMail © 1997 Joe Kidd
Email: cassiusdrow@rocketmail.com
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Last Update: 01/27/98
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