The Constitution

Purpose and Founding Guidelines

Chasaline was created to provide an enjoyable and fair role-playing group for it's members. The group is for both male and female Aes Sedai, and their Warders, with no prejudices distinguishing them. Although Male Aes Sedai are still victim to the Taint, great strides are being taken by Aes Sedai of both sexes to find a cure.


I. Generals and Role-playing

II. The Hall

III. Leaders of Chasaline

IV. Novice Requirements

V. Accepted Requirements

VI. WiT Requirments

VII. Talents

VIII. Mail and RP Rules

IX. Elections and Voting

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This page was created by Liranan Sedai, Mistress of Novices.
Send questions and updates to the Chasaline Webmistresses.
Last updated on 10 January 2001 by Miyahd Sedai, Mistress of Novices.