Purpose and Founding Guidelines
Chasaline was created to provide an enjoyable and fair role-playing group for it's members. The group is for both male and female Aes Sedai, and their Warders, with no prejudices distinguishing them. Although Male Aes Sedai are still victim to the Taint, great strides are being taken by Aes Sedai of both sexes to find a cure.
I. Generals and Role-playing
A. All members are expected to Role-play on a regular basis. Members who RP too infrequently may be removed from leadership positions and denied certain membership privileges.
(See also Voting)
B. All RPs must be relevant to the WoT world, save when Hall permitted.
C. Before jumping into another's RP, when the RP is not specified "open," check to assure it's all right.
D. If necessary to RP another character, get either the person's permission or that of the Amyrlin. Avoid misrepresentation
E. Environment.
2. No harassment will be permitted
b. The Hall will be convened, and if suitable proof is provided, membership may be revoked.
II. The Hall
A. Each Ajah has one Hall member
1. Ajah members vote for Sitter within the Ajah.
2. Terms last 3 months.
3. Once there are more members, the Tower will vote on whether there should be two Sitters..(one Female, one Male)
4. The MoNs are on the list, representing the male and female novices.
5. The MoW is on the list, representing the Warders. In the event more representation is deemed necessary further representatives may be added in the interests of euqality.
B. Sitter Responsibilities
1. To attend Hall Meetings..(through Email)
2. To bring up issues concerning their Ajah members.
3. To report to Ajah Members what happens in Hall meetings.
4. To give the Hall input on issues.
5. To vote on Hall issues.
6. Sittership is conditional with RPing. Inactive Sitters can be removed in favor of more active ones, unless good reason is provided for said inactivity and proof that it will not continue is demonstrated. Persons no longer in a position to actively RP as Sitter are expected to resign the position.
C. Hall Meetings
1. By Hall String (Email) unless emergency meeting needed.
2. Topics will be brought up at least once a month
3. Topics will be brought up as needed or noticed. Ideas can be brought before the Hall for Consideration by contacting your appropriate representative or the Amyrlin and/or Keeper.
III. Leaders of Chasaline
A. The Amyrlin's Duties
1. Approve all incoming members..(along with apropraite MoN or MoW and Keeper)
2. help maintain website
3. Oversee the Tower
4. Oversee Hall meetings
5. Be available for all members
6. Help solve any conflicts that may occur
7. Maintain the mailing list.
8. Do all things nessecary and proper to maintain the Tower in it's true intent and form
B. The Keeper
1. Maintain the Website
2. Approve incoming members
3. Keep the Chasaline Roster.
4. Help new members RP into Chasaline if needed.
5. Aid the Amyrlin in her eigth duty when nessecary
6. Maintain the offical records, including onelist Archives
C. The Mistress of Novices
1. Maintain accurate listings of female Novices and Accepted in the Tower, including any useful information
2. Decide when Female Novices are ready to be Raised to Accepted and inform them to do their Arches.
3. Assign new female Novices an older Novice or an Accepted to act as a guide
4. Ascertain that there is not a majority of disapproval by the Aes Sedai when time to raise a female Accepted to Aes Sedai
5. Conduct both the Arches and the Aes Sedai Raising Ceremonies for females
6. Do all things necessary for the well being of the Female Students
7. RP on a frequent basis with the Novices and Accepted of the Tower
8. RP with a realistic basis for their situation
D. The Master of Novices
1. Maintain accurate listings of male Novices and Accepted in the Tower, including any useful information
2. Decide when male Novices are ready to be Raised to Accepted and inform them to do their Arches.
3. Assign new male Novices an older Novice or an Accepted to act as a guide
4. Ascertain that there is not a majority of disapproval by the Aes Sedai when time to raise a Male Accepted to Aes Sedai
5. Conduct both the Arches and the Aes Sedai Raising Ceremonies for males
6. Do all things necessary for the well being of the male Students
7. RP on a frequent basis with the Novices and Accepted of the Tower
8. RP with a realistic basis for their situation
E. Master of Warders
1. Oversee warder roster
2. Decide when a Warder in Training is to be Raised to Gaidin.
3. Give lessons, help WIT be Promoted
4. Perform ceremony.
5. RP on a regular basis with the Warders, Gaidin, and Trainees
6. Aid the Amyrlin in Approving WiT bios
7. Do all things necessary for the well being of the Warders and Trainees
A. RP on a regular basis
B. RP self into the Tower of Chasaline, in an RP over the main string. Until this RP is at least begun no other RPs should be undertaken.
C. Attend three lessons
D. Do three chores (given by an Aes Sedai or an Accepted)
E. Stay away from Warder Training grounds
F. Fufill a time requirement of approxiamtly a month.
G. RP three arches when ready to be Raised.
A. RP on a regular basis.
B. Give and/or attend three lessons
C. Give and/or do two chores.
D. Go to warder grounds only when looking for a fureture Warder.
E. Fufill a time requirement of about one month.
A. Requirments are Flexible with RPing. Consistent RPing may result in raising even if all Requirments are not fufiled.
B. Novices and Accepted can visit the training grounds to learn methods of protection without using the One Power. Must have permission from MoW, and their respective MoN
A. RP on a regular basis.
B. Attend three lessons
C. Obey all Aes Sedai and Warders
D. Do not go into Accepted or Novice quarters
E. Fufill time requirement of one month.
VII. Talents
A. All Aes Sedai are allowed three Talents.
B. A list of common Talents can be found here, anyone may select Talents from there.
C. Talents not on the list must be approved by the Hall before used
D. Novices may manifest only one Talent, it is necessary to wait till one reaches Acceptedhood to manifest the other two.
VIII. Mail and RP Rules
A. See the Mail and RP Rules page.
IX. Elections and Voting
A. Elections for Sitters every three months.
B. Elections for Amyrlin, Keeper, MoNs and MoW every six months.
C. Method to be determined
D. Only those members showing consistent activity for two weeks or longer may vote
E. Only members showing consistent activity for one month or longer may run
This page was created by Liranan Sedai, Mistress of Novices.
Send questions and updates to the Chasaline Webmistresses.
Last updated on 10 January 2001 by Miyahd Sedai, Mistress of Novices.