Buffy the Vampire Slayer: 'Bad Girls'

The arrival of a new Watcher for Buffy leads her to follow Faith's approach to slaying: an almost sexual thrill from killing vampires, and a desire to leap head first into danger without thinking first. And with a new demon in town, this approach could kill both of the Slayers...

The most impressive aspect of this episode is the delineation of the characters so that despite changes in their characters, it is perfectly in keeping with what we know already. Buffy's rebellious side has always been just below the surface, with Giles inspiring her respect and affection enough to keep it in check. However, a new Watcher is the perfect opportunity to go all out and join Faith for some all-in vampire slaying. These two don't even wait until nightfall anymore, plunging into a vampire lair in the middle of the day and slaughtering the residents. On top of this, we see again the Buffy from When She Was Bad when she goes out clubbing with Faith.

Meanwhile, the Mayor is moving his plans along quite nicely with the help of Mr Trick, to the extent that he is now able to tick off invulnerability on his checklist, just ahead of 'Attend PTA Meeting' after an unpleasant encounter with a vampire.

There is so much going on in thsi episode, and it's marvellous. Buffy jeopardizes her future and her friendships, Xander and Cordelia continue their impressive baiting, Oz says a couple of words as is his wont, Giles and new Watcher Wesley Wyndham-Price (yes, they all have to be spectacle-wearing Englishmen, apparently) exchange witty put-downs, and Angel brings dire warnings about the demon Balthazar.

Yet it's the back end of the episode which throws in more shocks and surprises than you can shake a stick at. Apart from the Mayor's new power, Faith breaks the most sacred Slayer rule (and more disturbingly doesn't regret it in a chilling ending more powerful than any vampire attack, and there is one of the show's most impressive fight sequences, in which Angel and Giles get some time in the limelight at last, kicking ass for all they're worth. Possibly one of the best Buffy's yet... but there's more to come.


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