A Taelon shuttle crashes on Earth, bringing with it one of the aliens who feels that the Resistance have the right idea.
It seems as if Earth: Final Conflict is back on track once again, making the characters you thought you knew well show a new side or different shades of grey in their personalities. There are many reasons to recommend this episode, the character relationship and revelations being one, and the other being the transformation in the Liberation from talkative but rather ineffective fighters to people who can take out a Taelon shuttle with a big gun. At last, the Resistance actually do some resisting.
We also learn a few more snippets of useful information about the Taelon homeworld, Da'an's past, and the Taelon Commonality. You can tell things are heading for a season finale, with hints that we may not know everything about Da'an yet, and he may still be the enemy. At least with Zo'or, you know what you're getting. A case of the Devil you know?
Having said all this, there are a few too many plot holes. For instance, why do the Resistance try to separate Be'lai from the commonality? They know it's only a temporary measure, and it doesn't really gain them anything to have ther alien separate from the rest of his race, as all the information they discover fro him is in his shuttle's database anyway. We still don't know for sure at the end whether Be'lai intentionally converts himself to his atavistic state, and it'd be good to discover it was one of the LIberation. What we need are some shocks and surprises, and there aren't enough here. There's definitely plenty of hints of things to come though and we learn all about the kar-paj too. What more could you want?
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