Earth: Final Conflict: "Redemption''

Agent Beckett's CVI is breaking down, and soon she will die. As Liam tries to rescue his mother, Beckett imagines herself on trial for aiding the Taelons in their schemes against the humans.

The start of this episode is rather dull, resembling little more than a clip show. However, due to the limited number of appearances by Beckett, this is over by about halfway through and things start to get more interesting. The main problem is that the agent hasn't had enough screen time to make much of an impact, so killing off the character before she's really had a chance to do anything seems an odd move. Was it really that important Liam could tell her she was his mother?

~What is effective is the use of personnel. Doors finally gets to interact with the rest of the cast, Da'an makes a meaningful appearance, and more is explained about Sandoval's aberrant behaviour: his CVI has lost its motivational imperative as well. The set is well designed too, with some nicely filmed tableux of the characters.

However, it still doesn't really liven up the story, which although making some interesting points about blind obedience still pretty much fails to go anywhere, and Beckett is left to die with only one person (Liam) really caring, and it seems unlikely these events will have a major impact on future stories.


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