Handouts & Miscellaneous Stuff

Here are a few things I have used in my campaign that may be of some use to you:

(1)PC character sheets for the roles taken in the past in 'Taroticum':

Harlan O'Connor
Michael Brown
Richard Dorsleigh
William Tailor

(2)This is an image I created using a piece of a graphic from Richard Fichera's Veil of Maddness Kult page and the Greek font from Word Perfect 7 to create the image that is in the Metropolis Sourcebook (page 53) describing Genesis. The PCs who could read it got a translation as well needless to say!

The Holy Scripture...

Translated it reads: In the begining, the Demiurge created Metropolis. And Creation was empty and desolate, and darkness hung over the abyss, and the spirit of the Demiurge floated above it. And the Demiurge said(...) So the Demiurge put Man in Metropolis to build and care for the City for him (...) And Man was as the Demiurge, and the Demiurge was as Man, and all was good (...) But the Demiurge was marred in the web of the Temptress and lured to send Man into exile from Metropolis, to Elysium, the prison that was created for him.

(3)Here is a little tidbit for use with the 'Fallen Angels' adventure. It is the final note sent to the PCs from Elizabeth Seymour from the H.P. Redding Institute (page 89 - The Road to Inferno)

Save Elzabeit

(4)Here is an example of a personal Purgatory by DJ Babb:


(5)An NPC, by DJ Babb, for use in any campaign:

Eric Jenns

(6)Ideas on how to set up a Kult campaign by Ben Chalmers:

Campaign Ideas

Other campaign ideas can be found in the Kult Forum Archive

(7) What follows are a series of player handouts for two of the published adventures ( 'Fallen Angels' and 'Judas Grail') and the adventure in the back of Kult 2nd Edition (Frozen Moments). First is Joshua Jordan's business card (FA pg.40), then a forensic report (JG pg.14), excerpts from research notes (JG pg.46),a fax (JG pg.46), a set of medical records (JG p.46-47) and finally a PC write up on Robert Bullis (FM Kult 2nd Ed. pg.241)

Jordan's Card
Forensic Report
Research Notes
Medical Files
Robert Bullis Write-up