Agent Stevens - New World Order Agent

In the few appearances that Agent Stevens has made, he has had a major impact on the lives of those Tradition mages with whom he has come into contact. His preferred modus operandi is to manipulate cabals into dealing with threats that he is unwilling to devote his own resources to. This usually means rogue Convention mages such as the barabbi Phil Meander or disruptive elements from other World of Darkness factions such as Black Spiral Dancers or Kindred in danger of breaking the Masquerade.
Much as the Tradition mages hate him, their cooperation is secured through subtle pressure and the occasional veiled threat. Stevens has never yet had to resort to force or blatant strongarm tactics - and his superiors have so far allowed him to continue with his course of action because of the savings in resources and the irony of using manipulating Tradition mages into doing the Convention's own job for them. Needless to say, all parties involved are aware that in the end, the pogrom will be enforced - unless the Tradition cabal can cause Stevens to defect to their cause...

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