[Heart]Welcome to Ragnar![Heart]

Hi everyone!
I will be 2 years old this summer.
On this page you will meet me and my hedge hog, Trille.
Do you want to have a hedge hog of your own?
Please don't steal mine!!!
All you need to do is to click on the banner below.
Here I am with my first Mercedes
On this picture i'm only 8 month old.
 [Picture] [Ragnar] [Picture]
Here is how I look like now, 2 years old
Here is my niece, she is 4 years old on this picture and her name is Jannicke.
She was proud when she gave me my feeding bottle.
[Jannicke and Ragnar]
Here is Jannicke today 5 years old.
I love music, listen to this one.
Want to have some fun with Billy Bear?
[Litle purp] [Picture] [Picture]
Just click on the Billy Bear banner and you will find lot on funny things to do.
[Teddy]Visit my adopted pets.
If you want to send me an e-mail you can do that,
my mom will read them for me.
My favorite toy when I'm outdoors is my barrow, I put lot of
things in it, but this one will take you to the front page.
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