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[Ronny]Ronny[Liv] Liv[Roy]Roy[Sissel]Sissel[Ragnar]Ragnar[Jannicke]Jannicke
My husband and I got married on July 23rd. 1976,
On August 30 was our first child born.
We got a boy and we gave him the name Roy.
Tree years later our daughter Sissel was born
on 20th. of December 1979.
At that time Ronny was working on a herring factory nearby.
In -83 the factory was shut down so Ronny had to
find himself a new job,
he was lucky enough to get one as a Taxi-driver.
In -85 I wanted to try this job too,
but working as an Taxi-driver on night shifts and
take care of kids and the house on day time,
was to much for me so I did not last for more than 6 month.
Two years later I got myself a new job,
this time in a hotel and that job I kept until -93.
This year our daughter Sissel got her daughter Jannicke,
Sissel was only 13 years old.
We wanted Sissel to continue her school so I quit my job and
stayed at home with Jannicke.
She was born with a small brain damage and we had to do some
"extra" work with her. So Jannice's first 3 year of
living was rather hectic.
In 1996 I started to feel sick.
First I thought it was only a flue, but later I thought it might be
all the stress when I had been so busy and got a bit tired.
And the surprise was big when we found out that I was pregnant.
So on June 17th. we could say hello to little Ragnar.
[Liv og Ronny] [Rose] [Roy, Ragnar og Sissel]
Liv and Ronny -76                                           Roy, Ragnar and Sissel -96
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