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[Picture] To Sissel's place[Picture]
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I'm 18 years old. Single, one child. I like to see movies, listen to music, dance and go out with friends. My daughter, Jannicke is my tiny treasure and means more to me than life itselves. She is handicapped and needs a lot of exercise and help. You can read more about her on her site.
 My daughter you can find here, behind this: [Picture]

[Picture][Picture][Picture] [Picture]

I also have two brothers, 22 and 2 years old. My big brother lives at the time in Aalesund, while my baby brother ravages as a savage here at home. Big brother's named  Roy and Baby brother's named Ragnar. I also have a boyfriend, his name is Kjetil. You can
find him behind this:[Picture]
I love poems and write a lot my self. You can send me your
contribution for my poetry-site, [Picture] but remember to write name and age. Later I'll select the best contribution and the poem gets a place on my home page, with name and age! Other hobbies: Collect porcelain dolls, postcards, scratch pads with company logos, read books, being busy with the computer + Internet and much more.

[Picture][Picture][Picture] [Picture][Picture]

Beyond that I spend some time at MIRC and Planet all.

[Picture]Current links [Picture]
[Picture] Libresse Norway

[Picture] Visit the lady who made some of these images.




[Picture]Here are our house and you can find the rest of my family there.

Made by  Sissel.   

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