Today many people wonder about the El Shaddai DWXI Prayer Partners Foundation International. They ask, "What is the El Shaddai DWXI-PPFI all about?" "Why do hundreds of thousands and even millions of people flock to its fellowships, singing and dancing in praise of God for hours, despite the heavy rains or the scorching heat of the sun—whenever and wherever its Mass and Healing Rallies are held?" Observers call it a phenomenon, but the members and followers of the Foundation call it "God's amazing grace at work" (John 5:17), for it is indeed a manifestation of God at work— performing miracles, particularly among the people who heed the Word of God, healing the sick, and transforming the lives of those who repent and turn away from their wicked ways! The Foundation has undoubtedly become a religious wonder and a "miracle of faith" in the Philippines, as well as in other parts of the world.

El Shaddai is a combination of two Hebrew words: "El" which means God, and "Shaddai" which means Almighty; thus El Shaddai is translated as "God Almighty" (Genesis 17:1; 35:11, NIV). It is one of the seven Covenant Names through which our God the Father, Creator of heaven and earth, revealed Himself to the Israelites, His Chosen people. He is the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. He is the All-Powerful and Ever-Living God. He is the same yesterday, today and forever (Hebrews 13:8). He is "The God Who Is More Than Enough." He is the Source and Provider of all our needs, and with Him, all things are possible.

The El Shaddai DWXI-PPFI is a Catholic Charismatic Renewal Movement. It envisions to bring about a revival of the true Christian spirit in the Catholic faith. It aims to raise up a community of faith-filled-generous believers of the Lord Jesus Christ as recorded in Acts 2:42-47, which by Divine Guidance and Providence has now miraculously established these communities in many areas worldwide.