Sa'Eve, Domina
Height: 5'5"
Eyes: Sapphire blue
Hair: Gold-silver
A fair lady in the literal sense of the word. She's 5'5", pale and with gold-silver hair that is just below the shoulders. Sa'Eve prefers to wear garments either in gray or white. The only true color she has are her deep sapphire eyes. She's undoubtedly beautiful, yet her beauty is cold. She's a high ranking priestess of Sarinessa, just below her superiors, but one can wonder if anyone can actually `order' her around. Her personality may often appear cold or cruel, but if one would take the time, they would see she does indeed have a heart. She simply prefers not to give that knowledge out or to display it.
She was born in a dark realm that was linked to her parents' world. Her parents were one of the few who ventured forth into this world and set up a small human colony. Sa'Eve was one of the only pure humans born in a land of shadowed creatures, though that heritage may be questioned. Sa'Eve had very extraordinary powers for a `just a human'..
Needless to say, her childhood was never pleasant. Though she was far more `human' as a child than an adult, but a betrayal of love caused a hard shell around any warmth she possessed. Sometime in her life, she decided to return to her parents' world, and discovered the Circle, an Order dedicated to the Goddess, Sarinessa. It wasn't long before Sa'Eve became a very strong sorceress-priestess and earned her title, the Domina.
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