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WELCOME to "De-Signs of the Delphi". This site was created to give humans an opportunity to explore the Cetacean knowledge, endeavors, and realms, located on the Web. This new Ocean called "The Web", contains much Cetacean information yet to be fully explored by humans. This site will help humans discover what is important to the growth and survival of both species, and give both a common place for the exchange of thoughts, ideas, and concerns. If you have ANY Cetacean inspirations that you would like to share with others, please submit in 'E-Mail link' at the bottom of any "De-Signs" page.

Greetings from the "Ocean Pod",

For many thousands of years, we have saved and protected your drowning sailors from sharks, and many times, we have attempted to openly communicate with you, by using a universal tool of communication that breaks down barriers between We frolick at the bow of your boats, surf at your surfing competitions, heal your sicknesses with our echolocation, and use modern media to telepathically and empathically communicate(TV, Web, mags, etc.), in an order to establish interspecies relations.

The Chinese call us Gods, and the Greeks named their most sacred temple after us, "The Oracle at Delphi". Both of these so called "barbaric" cultures seemed to realize their proper place in the Universe. They were willing to place themselves second to a so called 'dumb animal', in the search for absolute truth and, spirituality, or GOD. We beg you to please recognise what you are doing to yourselves, and OUR planet. We have been here with a more complex brain, for tens of millions of years longer than you, and we are again attempting meaningful communication with the current modern human race, using current modern human technology.

Most humans think that they know what we are, what we are doing, and how we do it. Do you REALLY know what goes on in OUR atmosphere(oceans)? Do you REALLY know what OUR abilities are, or have we limited exposure until you reach the level of spirituality and consciousness needed to responsibly use powerful empathic/telepathic tools? Have you not realized that the best way for a more advanced culture to study another, is by keeping their eyes and ears open, mouths shut, and right under their noses?

We are attempting OPEN, HONEST, communication, and invite you to participate wholly, or Holy. This is our invitation to YOU, to fully explore the universal forces around, and share with others. If on the other hand, you are comfortable with your species' current trends towards physical and spiritual destruction, then remain ignore-ant. We have survived the destruction of previous ancient cultures on this planet, and will survive another.

~~~~~~~(THINK!(~~~((((~~~(PING(~~~((((~~~~Dolphin sending ((((YOU)))) an important message!!~~~~~~

Come voice your opinion, send us some "CetaceART" that you or a friend have done, or just send us a link to an inspiring Cetacean site on the Web. We want YOU, on your own, to discover, recognise, learn, share, and participate in, our attempts at communicating with you through all resources and mediums. We have been attempting communication for thousands of years, and are now using the most powerful medium on the planet...."The Web".

This site leads to many places throughout the "World Wide Web", so please "Bookmark" to "Favorites" any "De-Signs" page for easy return. The animated logos in the upper right corners are page 'markers' or 'identifiers', and the ones located at the upper left are 'links' to the "De-SIGNS" index level above. It's sort of like your browser's "Back" button, only it takes you "Back" to the upper level within this site, so that you can easily 'surf' our waters. The 'temple structures' at the top of each page is a direct 'link' to "De-Archives".

This site is currently under construction, and as with any construction site, care should be taken when exploring. If you find yourself away from this site, just keep 'clicking' your browser's "Back" button until you return. Hold your breath as you swim deep looking for FREE treasures, and come explore our oceans of knowledge.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Come Swim and Play in De-Universe~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


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"Until he extends the circle of his compassion to all living things, man will not himself find peace."

~~~~~~~~~~ Albert Schweitzer ~~~~~~~~~~

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